1. The first day of spring

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It was just another day, like every other day. The winter was over and Geralt rode on his horse, Roach, trough the woods. He had spent the winter with a few other witchers at Kaer Morhen. But now that the first day of spring has begone, it was time for him to get back out there. There are many creatures outside, who had hide during the winter. But Geralt knew it was only a matter of time before they would show themselves again, torturing villages. Of course he didn't mind, as it only meant business for him.

He was now on his way to Novigrad to replenish his stock, as this is the place where the most shops are. What he needs are potions, to heal himself after a fight or battle. He was prepared with food and water, taking with him from Kaer Morhen. And of course they can make potions there too. But during the wintertime it is hard to find the right ingredients high up in the mountains. But the shops in Novigrad are always well prepared, no matter what season.

In the distance he can already see the high towers of the city. He urges Roach to gallop faster. When he arrives at the gate, it feels like everyone is staring at him. People whisper to each other and point at him. He is used to it so he doesn't really pay attention to it and continues his way to the stables. When he is busy stabling Roach, a man walks up to him and greets him in a deep voice.

"Witcher, you are right on time." The man says, who appeared to be a priest. Geralt gives him a question look. "You see, this morning a few men spotted a Griffin not far away from the village. It killed a few of our cattle." The priest explains and grabs a pouch filled with coins and hold it in the air. "You want me to kill it." Geralt says with his growling voice. "Yes. The village is scared the griffin will kill all the cattle. And eventually attack or even kill our people." The priest explains. "Hmm.. fine. But I need potions first." Geralt growls. "Thank you. I need the head of the griffin for proof. The payment will be afterwards." The priest says, pointing into the right direction of the store. Geralt thanks the man and walks his way to the store. He hadn't noticed the person eavesdropping behind the stables, hiding under his hood.

After Geralt had gathered all he need, he proceeded his way to have a talk with the men that had seen the griffin. He asked them where they had seen it and if they knew any other details that could come in handy. They told him they hadn't seen a nest anywhere close, so it is probably a male griffin. They also described the exact place where they saw him when he attacked their cattle. Again Geralt didn't notice the person eavesdropping from a distance.

When Geralt had all the information he needed, he got back to Roach and proceeded his way. He arrived at the place the men had described and made sure Roach was in a safe spot. He used his Witcher sense to see anything that could help him find the griffin. He saw a trace on the ground that lead into the woods. Suddenly there was a loud screeching sound above him. He grabbed his two swords and looked up. The griffin was right above him. He managed to stab it right before the griffin could attack him. The griffin flew away but turned around again to attack Geralt again. Of course Geralt was faster and managed to wound the griffin badly enough to make him fall on the ground.

Geralt ran up to the creature, who was screeching loudly as it was in pain. He hold his sword up high to cut of his head. As it was a quick death, but also because he needed it as proof. But right before he could do that, someone attacked him from behind. He got kicked on the side of his head which made him fall on the ground really hard. He could see a person standing in front of him dressed in a black cloak, face hiding under their hood. After that he lost consciousness. "Sorry about that. But I really need this." The person said.

When Geralt woke up again he stood up slowly, grabbing his head. "Fuck!" He growled and had to take a few seconds to recover. All he saw was the griffin death on the ground and it's head was chopped off. He uses his Witcher sense to see if it was anywhere near him. But the head was nowhere to be found. Geralt remembers the attack and was wondering who it was, that apparently needed the head so desperately.

He got back on his horse and continued his way back to the village. When he arrived there he saw that there was a feast going on. The head of the griffin was hung on a pole. And people were dancing around it. The priest saw him and came walking his way. "What is going on here?" Geralt asks annoyedly. "I'm sorry, another Witcher managed to kill it before you did. But thank you for trying anyway." The priest tells him. "Witcher? What Witcher?" Geralt asks irritatedly. The thought that he was kicked in the face by another Witcher, made him angry. "Yes, in there, drinking a beer probably." The priest says and point to the direction of a pub. Geralt growls. "There's something you need to know. It's not a..." But Geralt doesn't listen to the priest finishing his sentence. He is so angry that he leaves the priest behind to proceed his way to the pub and entered the place.

He looks around and sees laughing and drunk people everywhere. But in the darkest corner there is someone sitting at a table, wearing that same cloak he saw when he got attacked. "That must be him." He says to himself and walks towards that table and takes a seat across the person. He sees the medaillon around his neck. "The Cat school." Geralt growls. The person takes of their hood and that's when Geralt is noticing it's not a man at all.

"Yes, I am a woman." She says as she sees the shocking look on his face. "Hmm." Geralt growls irritated and secretly ashamed that he got taken down by her. As if it being a Witcher wasn't already bad enough.

"Sorry about earlier." The woman smirks and takes a chug of her beer. "You aren't sorry at all, are you?" Geralt says grumpy. "Haha, no. I did what I had to do to survive." She says. "That's what we all do. But you don't see me kicking other Witchers." Geralt says annoyedly and takes her beer to chug it all. He put the mug back on the table and look at her with disgust but also curiosity. "Tell me everything." He growls demanding. "Hah! The white wolf... You truly are as they say you are." The woman says. "What does that mean?" Geralt growls offended. "Oh you know.. demanding, frustrated and always growling." The woman says and smirks. Geralt raise his eyebrow and look at her questioningly.

"Okay fine. I'll tell you my sad life story." She says and stops smiling. The look on her face get more serious and Geralt can tell she's hiding her emotions. "Go on." He says. "You probably heard about the big attack at the Cat school two years ago. Where most Witchers got killed and only a few survived. I was one of the survivors and to make it even worse, I am also the last female left. At least from the Cat school, that is. Not sure how many females are out there, from the other schools. But anyway, now two years later all other Cats are death too and I am the only one left. It has been a hard winter and I need money. I heard the priest tell you about the griffin. So I figured I'd let you do all the hard work and take the head as my trophy. Take the coins and make my way out. But I figured, I should wait here for you. Not to apologise obviously, but just to tease you and let you know you got robbed by a woman!" She says and start laughing.

"Very funny. Also, very sad story." Geralt says and stand up to walk away. "My name is Y/n. I know you didn't ask, but oh well. It's nice to meet you Geralt." She says and smirks again. Geralt looks at her in surprise. "Oh yes, I know your name. It's not really a secret is it? I've heard the songs about Geralt of Rivia. And when I saw you, I knew it had to be you. The white wolf in the flesh." She says. "Good for you." Geralt says and leaves the pub. Y/N is still sitting at the table, shaking her head with a smile on her face. "What a stubborn man." She mumbles to herself.

As Geralt made his way to whatever fate may bring, Y/N stayed the night at an inn here in Novigrad. She made a plan were to go to next thing in the morning. Her goal was to reach Cintra but that was a few days travel. Even though her horse, Saint, would be able to handle that, she figured it would be best to make a stop in Cidaris as it was just a one day travel. And she had hope that maybe there's work for her to do there.

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