10. In the moonlight

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Jaskier and Y/N get along very well. Which is why she had asked him to join and travel with her. He was very excited about it so of course he said yes. And she was happy not to travel alone as she really felt the need for some friendly company. They had traveled for a few days, almost a week. Much had happened and a lot was discussed, mostly about Geralt. And that last thing didn't go unnoticed by Jaskier. The night had come and they found a place to sleep in the forest. They were laying next to each other on their back. In the moonlight, staring at the beautiful starry night. For Jaskier it seemed the perfect timing to ask Y/N a question out of curiosity.

"Have you ever been in love?" Y/N took a deep breath before answering that question. "I was, once." Jaskier could hear the pain in her voice, but that didn't stop him from asking another question. "What happened?" He looks at her and sees a tear run down her cheek. "He died." She says softly. "I'm sorry." He says. "So am I. That's why I decided to never catch feelings for someone again." She says and wipes the tear away. Jaskier feels quilty for making her feel bad and tries to make her laugh.
"Well, I hate to break it to you... but you failed." He laughs. "With what?" She asks and turns her face to look at him. "It is very obvious." He smirks. She looks at his silly face and begins to laugh. "Oh silly bard. You and I will never happen." Jaskier start laughing harder. "I know and that's not what I was talking about." He says and frowns at her with a smile. "Speak up bard!" She exclaims. "Geralt of course!" Jaskier says with enthusiasm.

The look on Y/N her face changes. "Geralt?! Ew, God no!" She exclaims and makes an ugly face. "Oh stop the act. He's all we talked about the past week." Jaskier says smart. She scoffs. "Well yeah! That's because he's a mutual friend and therefore our most obvious subject to a conversation." She says to outsmart him. "Hmm.. he does make a good subject." Jaskier agrees. "I told you." She says bitchy. "But still... you are totally in love with him." Jaskier says to provoke her. "I am not!" She exclaims. Jaskier rolls his eyes and shakes his head. "God! You truly are a Witcher!" He laughs. "What is that supposed to mean?!" She ask offended. "You are so stubborn." Jaskier laughs. "I am not!" She exclaims bitchy. "Oh you are! Come on Y/N stop lying to yourself. You want Geralt." Jaskier provokes her. She scoffs loudly. "I do not. He's so old and grumpy and he's always growling... Which is so damn sexy... FUCK ok fine. You may have a point. But just a little. I tolerate him, that's all." She defend herself. Jaskier start to laugh again. "Right, yeah sure. So you don't think he looks good?" He asks teasingly. She rolls her eyes. "With that stupid white hair? And his yellow eyes? And that fucking smile?!" She exclaims. "You are blushing." Jaskier notices. "Shut up!" She yells. Jaskier smirks and shut his mouth.

An hour of silence has passed. "Y/N are you sleeping?" He whispers. "No, what do you want?" She asks a little irritated as she had almost fell asleep. "I'm hungry." He says. She turns around and looks at him. "Eat something from the bread we took." She says. Jaskier smiles awkwardly. "Oh I don't like that look on your face. What did you do?" She asks. "Well.. ehm.." He mumbles. "Please don't tell me you ate that already." She says irritated. "I did, I'm sorry." He says ashamed. "Jeez Jaskier! What about the water?" She exclaims. "Ehm..." He stutters. "Oh come on! I begin to understand why Geralt left you.." She says bitchy. "Rude." Jaskier says. "Shit, Jaskier I'm sorry. I didn't mean that." She says softly. "It's fine, I'm used to it. At least you apologise, that usually never happens." He says. Y/N feels very bad about what she says. "We'll get some food and water in the morning. It's fine. Go to sleep." She says and rolls on her side with her back turned his way. "Yeah ok. Goodnight." He whispers. "Goodnight bard." She whispers back.

The next morning they continue their way to the nearest village to get some food and water. Once arrived there it start to snow a little. Jaskier notices it first. "It's officially winter." He says. Y/N looks up and notice the little snow flakes falling down. "Ugh.. I hate snow." She says irritated. They go inside a bar for a drink. After taking place at a table Jaskier is curious about something. "Aren't you supposed to go to a hiding place for the winter?" He asks and takes a chug of his drink. "I have no place to go. It burned down, remember?" She says. "Right, I'm sorry." He says as he remembers her telling him about what happened with the Cat School. "What about Kaer Morhen?" He wonders. "I've never been there. And I'm sure I won't be welcome." She says and chugs her drink. "Why not? I've been there." Jaskier says. "You've been to Kaer Morhen?" She asks surprised. "Yes, Geralt brought me there a few times." He explains. "Hmm.. Well. I'm not going. Besides I don't even know where it is." She says and drinks the rest of her drink. "Alright..." Jaskier says and let it rest. At least that's what Y/N thinks. But when she leaves to go to the restroom, he takes her map out of her pouch. He puts an X in the right place on the map and write Kaer Morhen. He's just in time to tidy the map, when she comes back. "Why are you smiling?" She asks him. "Nothing." He smirks. "Sure.. whatever." She says.

A few minutes of silence later, Jaskier brings up an unsuspected conversation. At least for Y/N that is, but Jaskier has planned everything already. "The snow is gonna get worse and I'm not build for that. So I'm going to stay here for a while." He says, knowing that she will never do something like that. She never stayed longer than two nights at the same place. "I understand. But that means our ways will part here bard." She says and looks a bit sad. "Yes, pity. But it's not that we will never see each other again." He says to cheer her up a bit. "I know." She says and stand up, so does Jaskier. "Farewell my friend." She says and hugs him. He hugs her back. "See you next season." He says with a smile. "You keep safe." She says and grabs her pouch. The map falls on the floor and rolls open. Jaskier reaches for it but Y/N is faster. She notices the X, smirks and looks at him. "I guess this is your doing?" She says while shaking her head and smirks. "Yes, just in case." He laughs. "Very kind of you. But like I said, I'm not going." She says. "Hm hm." Jaskier nods. "See you around bard." She says and leaves. Jaskier walks to the window and sees her walking to her horse. The snow gets worse and a strong wind is coming. He can only hope his plan will work. His friends, the two stubborn Witchers, need a little help finding each other. Because he was certain of it that they would make a great pair. And he was very sure that he has given Y/N the last push she needed to take a step in the right direction. All he could do now was hoping that she wasn't to stubborn to travel to Kaer Morhen.

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