6. Two lies, one truth

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A long time had gone by, it was already fall. Y/N had been looking for Geralt this whole time. A few times she had found traces that lead to him but she always seemed to be to late to run into him. It made her angry and she was still determined to find him. She had been busy with slaughtering creatures and earned plenty of coins. But all she wanted was revenge and take back the Djinn, she found it so it belongs to her.

She walked into a bar unsuspectingly when what she had hoped for so long finally happened. She saw Geralt sitting at a table and he wasn't alone. She doesn't even hesitate for a second and walks up to them. "Geralt, darling. I see you managed to find her. Aren't you a lucky man." She says with sarcasm. "You two know each other?" The woman at the table asks, while looking from Geralt to Y/N and back. "Of course we know each other, Yennefer darling." Y/N says with a big smile. "Don't call me that. And how do you know him?" She asks annoyedly.

"Yen, stop. This is exactly what she wants." Geralt growls. "Oh come on Geralt. Are you scared your little secret comes out?" Y/N says teasingly. "What secret?" Yennefer asks offended. "Oh Geralt, you really haven't told her have you?" Y/N smirks. "Leave Y/N. I don't want drama." He growls without looking at her. "You don't want drama? You should've thought about that before you asked me for help, finding Yennefer. And then ending up sleeping with me." Y/N says bitchy and laughs when she sees Yennefer's shocked face.

"What? That is not true! Geralt tell me she's lying." Yennefer says emotional. "Yen, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to." Geralt tries to fix it. "Oh so that's why it happened twice.." Y/N says to stirring up the situation even more. "Twice?! Geralt! You slept with her twice?" Yennefer says emotional and angry at the same time. Geralt doesn't know what to say, he just sit there staring at the table. "Okay, I'm going to leave you two alone now. You really deserve each other." Y/N says teasingly. "What does that mean?" Yennefer says bitchy. "You are both lying to each other. What a great relationship must that be." Y/N says and shakes her head with a smile on her face.

"I'm not the one who's lying." Yennefer claims. "No? So he knows all about you and the Cat school doesn't he?" Y/N says and she is slowly getting angry. "Stop it!!" Yennefer yells, afraid for Geralt's reaction. "The cat school? What about it?" Geralt asks and looks at Yennefer with piercing eyes.
"She's the one behind the attack. She's the reason my family is death. But you already knew that, since she's not the one who's lying." Y/N says with a satisfied look on her face. She loves to see Yennefer get hurt.
"Yen, did you kill the Witchers?" Geralt asks, scared for her answer. "Of course not! She's lying! She hates me and wants to torture me!" Yennefer says out of fear. "Haha, oh you're not wrong about that. Tell him. Tell him how I could have killed you, for what you did. But I chose to let you live with the guilt, because death is an easy way out. And also tell him how you hunted me.. tried to get me killed many times. But eventually you couldn't do it." Y/N says to provoke Yennefer.

"Geralt, don't listen to her! She is crazy!" Yennefer says emotional. "Is she?" Geralt growls. Y/N can see the confusion on his face and that satisfies her. She got them both right where she want them.
"I would love to stay a little longer but I think you have a lot to talk about." Y/N winks at Yennefer with a bitchy smile. Turns to Geralt, grabs his face and put her lips close to his ear. "If you feel lonely tonight, room 6 is mine." And press a kiss on his lips. Geralt directly leaves without saying anything.

"I will kill you!" Yennefer yells out of anger and stand up. "Do it, kill me right now. I don't fear death. I have nothing to live for after you took that all away from me." Y/N says calmly. Yennefer leaves and goes after Geralt. Y/N stays behind and orders a cold beer and a good meal.

Yennefer sees Geralt walking to Roach and runs as fast as she can to stop him. "Geralt! Please let me explain everything." She says and stand still in front of him. "What is there to explain? You killed an entire school of Witchers!" Geralt says angrily. He doesn't look at her as he is disgusted by what he just found out. "No! I mean, not like that. It wasn't my decision. I was cursed and forced to do it. Please, you have to believe me." She says and grab both his hands trying to make him look at her. He turns his face her way and look her death in the eyes.
"I can't be with you, knowing what you did. Curse or not." He says without showing any kind of emotions. "No, Geralt please don't!" She says and starts to cry. He release his hands from her grip and the look on his face get very seriously mad. "We are over." He says calmly and it frightens her. "And yet every time you say that, you keep coming back." She says, trying to calm him down.
"Not this time. I will never see you again. You killed an entire school Yen! I can never forgive you for that. Think about Y/N!" He says angrily and his body language betrayers that he's very close to becoming aggressive. "Oh so you're her friend now?" She says emotional and want to grab his hand again. But he refuses to let her touch him again.

"She has no family left because of you!" He growls. "It wasn't me!" Yennefer yells desperately. "Leave." Geralt says calmly, without any emotions. He is so done with her right now. "No!" She yells and tries to hug him while she cries hysterical. "LEAVE! Or I will kill you!" Geralt yells and grabs his sword. "Do it." She says softly and pull her head up high. He put his sword against her throat, but he can't do it. "Leave." He says and she can tell by the look on his face that he is really done with her. She takes a step back, looks at him one more time and then leaves on her horse. Geralt waits until she's out of side and goes back inside the bar.

He looked around and saw Y/N sitting at one of the tables. She saw him to and gave him a little smile. Turned her face back to what's in front of her and minded her own business, thinking he was going to leave anyway.
But she was wrong about that. After he had ordere a beer he came to her table and sat down across her. "Can we talk?" He asked. "Sure.." She said, wondering what was about to come. "I did not know Yen was behind the attack. I apologise."  He tells her. She can tell he is having a hard time and she feels sorry for him. "It's fine.." She says and smiles. Geralt nods and and drinks his beer.

"I can't believe you used me to get to her." He says out of the blue. "You used me too." She says offended and raise an eyebrow. "I did not?" He growls. "Yes you did. I slept with you to hurt her. You slept with me because you wanted my Djinn. Where is it anyway?" She scoffs. "I don't have it anymore.. And sorry for using you." Geralt says.
"Why did you took it?" She asks bitchy, ignoring the fact that he just apologised to her. "Non of your business." Geralt growls.
Y/N takes a deep breath. "Don't tell me it was for her." She says in disbelief. He doesn't answer the question and just like at her awkwardly.

"So it was. Oh you must feel so stupid right now." Y/N says and rolls her eyes. "A little. Does that make you feel better?" Geralt growls. Y/N start to giggle. "It does." She says and hide her mouth behind her hand to hide her giggling. There's a short silence before Y/N speaks again.

"So, we were using each other. What does that say about us?" She asks and shakes her head as she scoffs. "We will do anything to get what we want." Geralt says as he looks down at the table.
"I guess you are right about that." Y/N smiles.
Geralt looks up and stares at her, without talking. "Why are you looking at me like that?" She scoffs. "You are not as tough as you claim to be. Deep down inside you, there's a sensitive side." Geralt says. "No there is not!" She yells as his words triggered her.

"Fine. *stands up* Good talk. I'm leaving, got things to do." Geralt growls. "Going after Yen again?" Y/N says bitchy. "No, she and I are done. For real this time." Geralt says as if he's very sure about it. "Hah, yeah sure." Y/N laughs. "What is that supposed to mean?" Geralt asks offended and raise an eyebrow. "I just don't think you will be able to let her go. She got so much power over you. She will never stop coming for you." Y/N explains. "You know nothing." He says irritated.
"I know more than you think." She scoffs. "Hmm.. goodbye Y/N." He says and walks away. "Goodbye... Geralt." She mumbles to herself.

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