8. I'm better off alone

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More than a week had passed. Y/N walks into a bar and orders a cold beer. She's only just sitting there when a young boy comes running in screaming. "Help! Help! Wild dogs! They are everywhere!" Y/N stands up and runs outside. Wild dogs are running trough the village, attacking people. "Fuck! This is madness!" She yells and tries to slay as many as she can. People getting inside their homes trying to be safe.
A wild dog managed to push Y/N over and jump on top of her chest, her sword is swung away. It opens it's mouth wide and wants to bite her with his sharp canines. His drool is dripping on her face. "Gross!" She growls disgusted and tries to reach her dagger. Out of nowhere Geralt comes running and chop off the head of the wild dog. He kicks the headless body of her chest and stick out his hand. She grabs it tight and he pulls er back up on her feet. "Thanks." She says quickly and grabs her sword to slay the other dogs.

"There are to many!" She yells while swinging her sword around, killing 3 dogs at the same time. "We can handle it!" Geralt yells back and cut off  another dog's head. He sees the way Y/N is slaying the dogs and is impressed by her skills. Again she managed to kill multiple dogs in one swing of her sword. While killing the dogs around him, he can't take his eyes of her. It does something to him, seeing her fight like that. He gets distracted because of it and a dog managed to bite him in his arm. Y/N quickly comes running and sticks her dagger right into the dogs head. It is killed instantly. "You ok?" She yells as she turns around an try to slay the last few dogs left. "I'm fine." He growls as all that is hurt was his ego. Of course his arm hurt a little bit but he had been trough worse. He quickly get up and help her slay the dogs.

Not even a second later they are standing in front of each other, completely covered in blood and dirt. All sweaty and out of breath. "You did good." He growls. "So did you." She says and breathe heavily. Before Geralt can say anything, the villagers are coming out of their homes. Clapping in their hands and cheering for both of them. A few men take care of all the death dog bodies. While Geralt and Y/N both go their own way to clean themselves up. Around an hour later they meet again at the bar of the inn. They both sit down on a stool at the bar and chug an ice cold beer.

"How's your arm?" She asks without looking up. "Hmm, it will heal." He growls. "Good." She nods her head. There's a silence but not for long. A man slowly approaches Geralt and put both his hand on his shoulder. But before the man can speak, Geralt turns around and slams him into the air on the ground. Only to find out after, who the man is. "Fuck. Jaskier, you ok?" He growls, feeling like a total idiot and helps him up. "Yeah, totally fine." Jaskier lies and grab the back of his head. "Sit down." Geralt demands and helps him walking over to a chair at an empty table. He also sit down next to him and shake his head. "How many times do I have to tell you not to sneak up on me." He growls. "You're right, sorry." Jaskier says softly.

Y/N who had seen everything, walks over to the table and takes a seat too. She tries to say something but she can't hold in her laughter.
"Y/N! Are you done?!" Geralt growls irritated. She gives him a side eye and then looks at Jaskier. "You are that bard from the songs right? Toss a coin to your Witcher!" She start to sing and a big smiles appears on Jaskier's face. Geralt can handle it, sort of, until Jaskier start to sing with her. "Stop that!" He yells and slams his fist on the table. Both Jaskier and Y/N stop singing and looking at him with look that says "you are no fun". Geralt looks at Jaskier and growls "Why are you here?" Jaskier scoffs "Is that how you treats friend? Besides, I could ask you the same question. And where is Yennefer? Lost her again?" Geralt's face turns from being annoyed into being angry. "Oh dear, what happened? She left you again?" Jaskier asks. Y/N looks at the both of them, dying to know what's gonna happen next.

"We are done. That's all you need to know." Geralt says and stand up. "Leaving again?" Y/N looks at him and smirks. "Shut up." He growls and leaves. "Ok then..." She rolls her eyes and turns to Jaskier. "Are you travelling with Geralt?" He asks her. "Oh God no! I could never." She says almost like she's disgusted by that question. "But you do know each other.." He says, very curious. "Oh yes. We bumped into each other a couple times." She says and smirks. "Ah ok." Jaskier nods. "I mean that quite literally." She smirks again. "Yes I under.. oh... right." Jaskier blushes. She smirks again because of the awkward look on his face.

"Wait, that necklace.." He notices and pointing his finger at it. "What about it?" She asks lightly. "Are you a Witcher?" He whispers and looks around before looking back at her again. "I am." She says without hesitation. "But, your a woman." He says surprised. "Yeah so?" She says and raise her eyebrow. "Geralt never mentioned female Witchers." Jaskier rest his head on his hand at the table and looks at her interested in the story. "Yeah he's to stubborn for that." She smirks. "Ugh, so stubborn." He says and roll his eyes. It makes Y/N giggle.  "I like you, Jaskier. You're cool." She smirks. "Thank you. So you and Geralt. Do tell me more." Jaskier says intrigued. "Well, I'm kind of, sort of, most definitely the reason why him and Yennefer broke up." She says without any sign of remorse. "No way!" Jaskier is shocked. "Oh yes, absolutely." She smiles. "Hah, no wonder why he's so on edge and grumpy." Jaskier notices. "He always is on edge and grumpy." She scoffs. "True.. and stubborn." Jaskier says jokingly. "So stubborn!" Y/N exclaims and they both laugh.

"So what's it like, travelling with Geralt? I mean, you have traveled with him right?" She asks with curiosity. "Oh yes. It was quite fun. That is without the grumpiness and the "I am a complicated man" sort of things. But yeah, I like him." Jaskier explains. Y/N smirks "Alright."
"What about you? Do you like him? You know, since you literally bumped into him a few times." Jaskier jokes. Y/N scoffs awkwardly. "No, that was just lust. Nothing more." She tries to hide that she's lying. "Hmm alright if you say so." Jaskier nods. "I'm better off alone." She whispers. "That's what Geralt used to say and then he met Yene.. Oh right.. Maybe you do make a point." He says with a questioning look on his face. Y/N sighs very deeply. "We Witcher are meant to be alone. It's better, safer." She explains. "And Lonelier." Jaskier says in a kind way. "Maybe.. but it works. I have no one to worry about." She says. "True.. but you also have no one to share your life with." Jaskier says, it almost sounds like he's worried for her. Y/N scoffs. "I don't need that. Like I said, I'm better off alone." Jaskier nods politely and let it be.

But the "damage" is already been done. Y/N is haunted by her feelings and her thoughts. Memories are torturing her and she want it to stop before everything goes sideways. "I got to leave, my friend. It was great meeting you." She says calmly, but in the inside she is cooking. "Yeah, likewise. Maybe we see each other again." Jaskier smiles friendly and hold out his hand. "Who knows." She smiles, shakes his hand and walks her way out.

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