12. Reginald

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The next morning Y/N wakes up, slowly adjusting her eyes to the light. When suddenly she notices someone breathing behind her. She quickly turns around and sees Geralt asleep next to her. She turns on her stomach and stares at him. She is wondering why he is in her bed. But she isn't mad about it. Actually it made her realise that she might like him more than she initially thought.

He's lying on his back, with his head facing her way when he slowly wakes up. The first thing he sees is her smiling at him. It takes him a second before he realises it. "Good morning." She giggles. "What are you doing in my bed?" He growls and put an arm over his face to cover his eyes for the light. "I could ask you the same question." She says and rest her head on her hands while looking at him. "I must have been drunk. I have an insidious headache." He says and move his arm away to look at her. She still looks at him and their eye contact is intense.

"You know I never quite figured out why you came to my room that night." Y/N says. "Simple. You gave me your room number." Geralt answers without hesitation. "That was to tease Yennefer." Y/N says with a contemptuous tone. "I know.." Geralt growls smilingly. "So why did you came anyway?" She asks him desperately for a good explanation. But his answer doesn't really satisfy her in the way she hoped. "To blow off some steam." He says and his smile disappears from his face.

"So.. You used me again?" She asks softly. She's trying to hide it that is hurts to hear that. "Didn't you do the same? You didn't exactly rejected me.." Geralt points out to her. Her mood changes as soon as she realises he is right. "Hmm yeah, good point." She says softly.
They look at each for a moment. Than Y/N breaks the silence. "So, we are still using each other..." She says with no emotions. "Guess we are.." He mumbles. She scoffs. "That's just great..." She says sarcastically.

There's a tension between them, they can both feel it. She is fiddling with a string of her hair in front of her face. He slides the string of hair behind her ear and lovingly runs his hand over her face. She closes her eyes as he strokes her lips with his thumb. She opens her eyes again. For a moment it looks like he wants to kiss her, but they are interrupted by the door that opens a bit. Geralt quickly removes his hand.

"Geralt.. Are you in here?" A woman's voice says. "I am." He says and quickly sit up straight. The door opens and Ciri is standing in the doorway. "Breakfast is.." She stops talking when she notices the for her unknown woman in bed next to Geralt and feels like she's interrupting something. "I'm sorry, I didn't know you had company. Did I interrupt something?" She asks awkwardly. "No, you didn't. I'm right there for breakfast." He says. Ciri nods and leaves. Geralt gets out of bed and walks to the door. "Are you coming?" He asks as he looks behind over his shoulder. "I'll be right there." She smiles and he leaves the room.

At the breakfast table Ciri is sitting across Y/N. Geralt sits on the other side of the table, talking with a couple men. Y/N looks his way and their eyes cross. A little smile appears on both their faces and Ciri notice it. Geralt continues his conversation and Y/N looks down at her plate, still smiling. When she looks up she sees Ciri looking at her.
"I believe we haven't met before." Ciri says and held out her hand. "Y/N." She says and shakes her hand. "Ciri, Geralt's daughter." She smiles back. "Oh, I heard the stories. Great to finally meet you in person." Y/N smiles. Ciri smiles back. "So, you and Geralt?" She asks curiously. "Oh, eh.. it's nothing. We're just friends... I guess.. or fellow Witchers.. You name it." Y/N smiles a little uncomfortable and takes a bite of her bread. "Wait, I didn't even notice that. You're a Witcher? That's amazing! Finally I'm not the only girl here anymore." Ciri says enthusiastic.

Y/N tells Ciri the story she told the men yesterday, but this time without the bragging. And she also leaves out the parts where she slept with Geralt. "Wow, I don't know what to say." Ciri says softly. "I understand. Don't worry about it." Y/N says kind. "Geralt told us about Yennefer. But he didn't mention you." Ciri says. "Oh.. I see. That's fine." Y/N says, but Ciri could tell it did something to her. "Sorry, I didn't mean it like that." Ciri says. "It's okay. Like I said, we are just two people who know each other. Nothing more than that." Y/N says and looks in Geralt's direction. Their eyes meet again and another smile appears on their faces. This time Y/N starts to blush and quickly looks away.  Ciri notices it again, but keeps it to herself. She's excited to get to know all about this female Witcher named Y/N.

After breakfast it was time for some training. It was important for the Witchers to stay in shape. The women stayed inside, cleaning up the mess of the party before.
Outside everyone paired up to spar, Y/N teamed up with Geralt. It turned out they made a great team, as they were evenly matched. Geralt was impressed by her skills, as not many were capable of being a good sparring partner.

Geralt had underwent more mutations then other Witchers, as he was used as a quinea pig. It caused his hair to change white, but mainly his powers where much stronger then the others. He was know as the strongest Witcher out there. (Except from Ciri, but she never underwent the mutations, so she technically wasn't a Witcher. They just accepted her as one of them.)
Therefore Geralt never found the perfect sparring partner, but it seemed like he finally found her. Y/N could keep up with him and even managed to scratch and kick him here and there. She didn't really notice him being so impressed, as she didn't know about him being the strongest out there. That was until she noticed everyone staring at them instead of training. She stopped and looked around. "What?" She asks a little uncomfortable. "Nothing. Everyone continue the training!" Vesemir says. They all did as he said.

After the training, Y/N sat down on the stone wall, looking over the woods at the thick pack of snow spread everywhere. Geralt decided to sit down next to her, everyone else went inside. "Why did you really come here?" He asks curiously. She takes a deep breath. "Like I said, the winters are tough outside." She explains. "Hmm. Yeah, they are." He says. She could hear by his intonation that he thought there was more to the story. And well, he wasn't wrong. But she wasn't planning on telling him the real reason. At least not yet.
"You don't believe me do you?" She asks. "I don't know." He says followed by a long silence.

Y/N broke the silence. "I had underwent the mutations as a kid with all the others. We trained together for years, you know how it goes. I made friends, a family. There was one person in particular, his name was Reginald. We all called him Reggy." She tells him. Geralt is listening to her story, wondering where she's going with it. "When the day arrived for us to go out there, to do what we had trained for for years.. I was somehow afraid to go out there on my own. Reggy and I made a pact, to stay together until I was ready to go out there on my own." Y/N stops talking and has to take a few breaths before she tells the rest of the story. Geralt can tell it's not easy for her to talk about this. "That day never came. We stayed together and our friendship evolved into something more. He was.. my everything. My light in the darkness. Until I... I saw him get killed in front of me. That was the moment I died too. It's why I am so cold to everyone." She says numb.

Geralt says nothing, but she can feel his presence of sympathy. She feels save when he is near and it makes her comfortable to speak openly about her past life. Something she had never done before to someone else after she had lost everyone and everything she ever loved.
"I don't fear death. I fear to let people come close to me. Because when I do they die and I will be all alone again." She says and rubs her eyes to stop it from tearing up. Geralt kindly takes her hand and squeeze it gently. He makes her feel safe and heard without him realising it. She opens up to him a little more about the true reason she came to this place.

"I was scared to survive another winter on my own. So I came to the place with that one person I knew I could trust..." She says softly still avoiding his eyes. Geralt doesn't really know what to say so he kiss her hand softly, to let her know that he listened to her and he's right here for her.

Slowly but surely she dares to look at him. He gives her a smile, still holding her hand. She smiles back, her eyes light up. For a few seconds they stare at each other. Her heart is pounding like crazy and she feels little butterflies in her stomach.
Sadly enough this lovely moment between them gets interrupted by Eskel. "Geralt! Here you are. I was looking for you man!" He says and taps him on the shoulder. "I'll be there in a minute." Geralt says but there's others coming outside too, taking place and start a whole conversation dragging Geralt in it. Y/N stands up and goes inside. Geralt wants to go after her but he gets hold back by the other men, joking around and stuff.

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