9. A sexual tension

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When outside she sees Geralt leaning against the stone wall of the inn, sharpening one of his swords with a stone. She has to take a deep breath to get her emotions under control. Full confidence she walks past him, ignoring him as if she doesn't see him. She notices he is following her as she walks her way to the stables. When she's inside she turns around and raise her eyebrow. "What do you want?" She says bitchy. Geralt put his sword on his back. He leans with his back against the wooden wall of the stable and looks at her with piercing eyes. "You and Jaskier, what did you talk about." He asks. "That's not of your damn business." Y/N scoffs and walks over to him. She stand still in front of him. "It was a question." Geralt growls. "I'm not answering." She scoffs again. "That's great." He scoffs and breaks their eye contact by turning his face to the right. "Yeah really great." She says sarcastic and rolls her eyes.

He scoffs again and turns his face to the ground. "What are you scoffing about?" She says bitchy. "Nothing." He growls and looks back at her again. "Oh shut up!" She snaps at him. "You asked me a question, I answered." He smirks. She scoffs. "I'm really done with seeing you everywhere I go." She rolls her eyes again while shaking her head irritated. "You are free to leave." He growls. "No you leave!" She exclaims. "I'm fine where I am." He says calmly. She takes a step closer and tries to intimidate him but it doesn't really seem to work. In fact, it turns out exactly the other way around. Both of them feel a sexual tension between them. They can't take their eyes of each other and start to breathe deeper.

"I am not going to do it." She breaks the silence. "Do what." He growls. "Sleep with you." She whispers. "Who says I want to." He growls followed by a mischievous grin. "Oh fuck you!" She yells at him. "You just said you didn't want to." Again with that mischievous grin on his face.
"Aghh God! You are so annoying!" She yells. "Like I said, you are free to leave." He growls. "Fine, I will. Hope to never see you again." She says but doesn't make a move to leave. It's as if she's drawn to him and wants to stay. "Heard that before." He says trying to provoke her. "Shut up." She grabs her dagger and point it to his face. "Make me." He growls and grabs her wrist to move the dagger away from his face. With her free hand she grabs his wrist to free herself. He spins her around and push her against the wall with her arms above her head. "Drop the dagger." He growls in her face as he moves closer to her. She let go of the dagger. It falls down on the ground and Geralt kicks it away.

She looks at him very confused. What is happening here? He is still holding her wrist tightly above her head. His face is very close to hers. Their lips almost touching. She can feel his breath. Staring deeply into each other's eyes while breathing heavily. He comes closer and their lips touch as he whispers. "Go on, leave."They both feel the sexual tension getting bigger. But instead of giving in to that feeling, he let her go. He takes a step back and she grabs her dagger. Without saying anything she walks to her horse, grabs the bridle and leaves the stable. Geralt takes a deep breath and shakes his head with a smile. "What the hell was that." He mumbles to himself. He walks over to Roach. "It's just gonna be you and me on the road again." He grabs a hold of the bridle and walks outside the stable.

There he sees Jaskier looking for him. "Hey Geralt there you are. Where's Y/N?" Jaskier asks curiously. "She left." Geralt growls. "Oh why? She was so nice. Did you scare her away?" Jaskier jokes. "No. And I don't care either." Geralt lies but the look on his face betrays him. "Really? Your face says otherwise." Jaskier laughs. "What does my face say?" Geralt asks intimidated. But Jaskier is sure of himself and opens his mouth to say something stupid once again. "That you slept with her, multiple times."
Geralt turns around and look at him. "She told you?!" He growls shocked. "Yes, you dirty wolf!" He smirks. "Jaskier! She's lying." Geralt lies, but again his face betrays him. "Alright. Sure, ok. Whatever you say my friend. Although again your face tells differently." Jaskier laughs. "Shut up!" Geralt exclaims. Jaskier nods and let it go.

"So where are we going?" He asks in a very happy mood. "There is no we Jaskier. Winter is coming soon. I need to get my way to Kaer Morhen, but I need to make a few stops first." Geralt answers. "Alright. So this is goodbye again?" Jaskier asks as his happy mood changes into a little more sad. Geralt notices it and feels bad for having to leave his friend like this. So he decides to do something very unsuspected. He hugs Jaskier. "We are hugging" Jaskier exclaims. Geralt smirks. "Take care, friend." He get on Roach his back and leaves. Jaskier is watching him go while mumbling to himself "Farewell my dear friend."

"Pssst Jaskier." A voice whispers. "Who is that?" Jaskier says startled and looks around. "It's me silly." Jaskier turns around and sees Y/N standing in front of him. "Y/N! Geralt said you left!" He exclaims happy to see her. "No, I was just making him think that. I gave a coin to a little boy to take Saint for a little walk after I left Geralt in the stable." She smirks, so proud of herself that she outsmarted Geralt. "Haha, you are so weird. I like it!" Jaskier laughs. "Yeah, well... come one. Let's have a nice dinner and a cold beer. I need you to tell me everything you know about Geralt." She smirks and point to the inn. "Oh I have plenty to tell you." He says with a proud look on his face. Y/N put an arm around him and smirks. "I bet you do my friend, I bet you do."

They go inside, order a nice meal and end up talking for hours. Y/N is soaking up all the details and information she can get on Geralt. She pays attention to every single word Jaskier speaks. He doesn't notice it as he's to busy telling the stories but Y/N is totally obsessed. The more he tells her the more she wants to know.

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