Chapter 6

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"So what was so urgent that Loki wanted to discuss with you", Lea asked curiously.
"He was thinking about giving me extra credit."
"Which means?"

Euhm... Think Freya!

"Which means I would have to do more tasks for his subjects in order to get more grades so when we end this year I will be better than the others. He thinks I am capable of more."
"Sure thing."

"Meet me tonight at my place."

"What", I asked.
"What 'what'", Lea asked me.

Was Loki in my head?

"Hey are you free tonight?"
"No I need to meet someone tonight", I said quickly.
"Okay, it's just that Peter, Ned and I are going out to some convention. Nerdy stuff."
"Oh you guys have fun."

Night had fallen. I had to meet Loki. I wanted to see him. I put on my coat, took my keys, my phone and left. I walked to the other side of the campus into the woods. I Was hold my coat tight. There was much wind and the temperatures weren't so kind to us. I kept walking, deeper into the woods until I saw a little light in the distance. I went closer. Smoke was coming out of the chimney. 


I opened the porch's gate and knocked on his door. The door swung open and Loki pulled me inside.

"God it's freezing outside", he said as he took off my coat.

Isn't he a frostgiant?

"Yes it is", I agreed softly as I got used to the warmth. Loki laid his arms around me and leaned down. His lips touched mine. He was passionate. He took us to his couch and wrapped blankets around me.
"I don't want you to get a cold", he explained himself. 
"It's alright sir."
"You did not-?"
"Oh my", I giggled as I realized i just called him sir. I quickly apologized. He chuckled and gave me a little kiss. 

"Spend the night here with me please", he asked, nearly pleading.
"But Loki I can't-"
"I know, but I need you by my side tonight and the night after that and the one after that-"
"Basically forever."

He leaned in for another kiss. Jeez this man is so affectionate. I don't mind it, but it wasn't quite what I imagined he would be. 

"How did you get in my head today", I asked.
"Oh that... Well my mother taught me magic. Once I was older I started to experiment with it. I learned that I can get in people's mind. Only the weak ones-"
I hit him with a pillow.
"I am not weak", I basically yelled before hitting him again. He laughed as he defended himself.
"I was just kidding darling!" I stopped my attack and let him finish.
"I thought it would be more practical then leaving notes or texts. You never know who might read it."
"You're right."

But if he was able to put a message in my head, a voice, his voice. Then is he able to read it too? Did he know about-?!

"I know about your fantasies about me, us. When you were supposed to study in my class the other day I read your mind. I knew something was up and after all I am the one of mischief. The reason I was so hard on you was because I didn't want you to-"
"Fall for you", I finished. He nodded. 
"I'm a monster Freya."
"Then why do I love you so much?" He wanted to answer but I stopped him. 
"It was rhetorical", I giggled. He smiled and looked down to his hands. He was nervous. Fidgeting with his fingers. 
"Well, did you like them", I questioned with a little cocky grin. He looked up at me in surprise.
"I did", he answered. He took my hand and kissed it gently.
"I really did. It was hard for me to resist them. To snatch you out of it. But I felt like I had to. Forgive me."

I kissed his cheek softly and looked at him. Before he said another word I laid my arms around his neck. I pulled him close and held him tight. 
"I finally feel like I belong."

Night was falling and we both got tired. We cleared the living room and let the fire slowly go out. Loki carried me upstairs and threw me on his bed. He crawled on top of me and kissed me. His lips playing with mine. My hands got lost in his black hair, making it messy. 

"You're perfect", he breathed. It was barely audible, but I heard it. I awed to which he reacted annoyed.
"Don't aw me."
"But you're so cute when you give those little compliments."
"Oh please, I am not."

After five minutes of not coming to an agreement Loki yielded. He kissed me quick and got to his side of the bed. He turned off the lights and pulled me closer.
"Never leave me Freya."

I closed my eyes and fell asleep in his arms. Safe and sound. Loki had fallen asleep too. We could hear the wind blowing and some raindrops falling against the window. It was the perfect night.

Until a certain moment.

Loki became ill at ease. He kept moving and groaning. It was as if he was speaking to someone. I sat up and watched over him. His torso was covered in sweat, along with his neck. Even his hairlines were a little wet. He was squishing his eyes shut. 

"Loki", I leaned over him and tried to wake him up. Carefully.
"No, no don't take her", he pleaded in his sleep.
"Thanos", he mumbled, "Tesseract."

What was he talking about?


He shot straight up and panted heavily. I looked at him in shock. He looked at me. 
"My love", he tried to catch his breath. He pulled me in his embrace and held me close.
"I thought I had lost you", he started crying. I laid my arms around him and pulled him closer. After a moment of peace and silence he pulled back.
"You were dreaming." He nodded. 
"About me", I questioned. He nodded again. With his right hand he combed his hair back and cleared his face. He dried his cheeks and looked down.

"I was having a nightmare", he explained himself. I looked with worry at him. Our eyes connected and he knew I wanted a more detailed explanation. After all he basically yelled my name.

"It was about Thanos", Loki started, "After Asgard's destruction and Thanos intercepting our ship they kept haunting me."
"What happened."
"It's not your burden to bear Freya-"
"The man I love is being haunted by nightmares. Of course it's my burden to bear. I wanna help you Loki."
"I don't want you to have the same fate as mine. We should go back to sleep."

Before I could say another word he laid back down and pulled the covers over him.
"Fair enough. But will you at least hold me", I asked a little playful. He appreciated my effort of making him feel better and pulled me close.

"I will never leave you Loki. I love you."

Illegal lover - professor Loki Laufeyson fanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now