Meeting with Ed

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It had been awhile since we had seen each other.I thought there would be awkwardness, but there was none. We both hugged and Ed treated me like we are Old Best Friends which we are our Friendship has lasted for years.

Even to the point where Fans thought we were a Couple but we aren't because Ed is currently Married to his Wife and I thought they had the perfect Marriage.

Once Ed and I sat down and discussed Tour Plans we talked about what Song we should write together it wasn't long before we wrote "Everything has Changed".  We both loved the Song and decided to go and Record it together. It instantly became a huge Hit.

A couple Months later we are out on the Road.The Fans seem thrilledto have Ed Sheeran here and they cheer everytime he's onstage.The onstage Chemstry between us in unbelieveably Awesome and he makes me smile and Blush alot.

Why do the good ones always are taken?I wonder as we sing our Hit Song to the Crowd.Little did I know trouble was brewing in Ed Sheran's Paradise.

It was later that Night while I was outside just getting some Air after the Show when I heard two People Argueing I heard Ed's Voice but I also heard his Wife's she had just told him that she was seeing someone else and had Fallen out of Love with him. Ed was completely angry and was totally losing it. He couldn't believe his Wife could do such a thing to him.

"I'm filing for Divorce and I'm taking our Daughter with us".she says "You staying gone for Months and Weeks is just taking its toll on me and I need someone who's going to be around all the time."

I stand there looking stunned can't believe what I'm hearing!Cherry is taking Jupiter and trying to file for Full Custody?this spelled Disaster!It would crush Ed completely his Family meant everything to him.

I waited until Cherry completely left before I went to his Tour Bus to see if he was alright I tried my best to not appear like I was being nosy, I wasn't you could hear them fighting all the way outside and I just happened to overhear everything.

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