Finishing A Song

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Taylor's Pov:

After finding out Ed had Overdosed, and on Drugs, we tried to keep what happened to him out of the Public Eye as much as possible to protect his Daughter Jupiter from ever finding out.

I mostly kept her occupied while her Dad was in the Hospital. I kept tabs on how Ed was doing by visiting him on my Days off. Ed was on the road to a very long Recovery. Overdosing on Drugs had almost Killed him. The Drs said they had to bring him back to life twice.

I was told by my Publicist Tree that I needed to pick new Opening Acts for upcoming Show Dates. It was going to be a long time before Ed could go back to Touring. So I contacted a couple Buddys of mine who I knew would say yes to Touring with me.

My First Opening Act was new on the Music Scene Shawn Mendes. Like me, Shawn had started a Music Career at a young age of 15. I had recently heard of his Music and thought he'd be a good choice to open up for the US Shows. For International, I had chosen Selena Gomez.

Both me and Selena Gomez are Besties so it was going to be so much fun Touring together. We both had recently said we would like to Tour together but I wish it had been under better circumstances.

While in the Tour Bus, I was looking at the Song that me and Ed had started together "Everything Has Changed was just about halfway finished with writing when Ed unfortunately had his Overdose.

I began to tear up why hadn't I seen the Warning Signs? I thought he was handling the breakup from his Ex-Wife really well. But Ed wasn't the type to just open up about his feelings.

Going back to the Song after wiping my eyes. No one could have known what he was going to do my Mom's voice reminded me once more in my head. I had to finish the Song for me and Ed because he was in no shape to think clearly about Music.

Taking the Song on a Notebook, I did the best I could at finishing the Song. Before he was Hospitalized, Ed and I did discusd how we wanted to finish the Song and I had written the Ideas down. I went by my notes on the Notebook and successfully had finished the song.

When Ed was back to his self again, we would definitely work on Recording the Song, it's something he did want to do. Putting the Notebook up in a safe place in my Totebag, I recorded my Demo part of the song into my Phone's Voice Memo. Then I sent a copy of it to Ed's Phone.

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