Being The Comfort

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Ed let me inside of his Tour Bus. It looked like he had already gone through two Bottles of Beer and looked to be a crying mess. I am shocked seeing him like this at first I couldn't find any words.

"I guess you heard all of that outside of my Tour Bus I didn't want us to be that loud but it escalated up to that point unfortunately. I mean how else are you supposed to react finding out your Wife is seeing someone else and came to dump you and rub it in your face?But at least I didn't have to find out some other horrible way like the Media".he said taking another sip of Beer.

I felt really sorry for what all Ed is going through I didn't know stuff had been happening to him  behind the scenes of my Tour. "Gosh Ed, I am so sorry for what your going through. If you need someone to be there for you, I am here and you can contact me no matter what time it is." I reached over to give Ed a hug.

Ed hugged his Best Friend back he is so glad to have Taylor as his Best Friend if he didn't have anyone to talk to, he wouldn't be able to get through this rough time. "I really appreciate you being here for me Taylor, it means more to me than you ever know. I think eventually I will be alright I just need to figure out where to go from here". he looked so lost and confused in his eyes.

"I heard what Cherry wanted to do with Jupiter, you need to get you an Attorney Ed and file for joint custody. That little Girl is so important to you I know you'll want to have a part in her life.I can help you find a really good Attorney".said Taylor.

Ed thought about what his Best Friend said and she made a good point. "Thank you for suggesting that I will file for joint custody of my Daughter. "Ed wished he had come up with that idea but it's hard to when your so emotionally upset.

"Should have seen this coming her leaving me for someone else.A Lawyer, she cheated on me with a Lawyer.I thought she would always support me becoming a Pop Singer and stick with me through everything, I never thought she'd do somethig like this". he was still very upset about everything.

"You couldn't have known this was coming Ed, nobody could. Things like this happen to other People to, not just you. It's horrible this happened, but you can get past this and eventually move on and find somebody else. It will take time, but you'll get over this trust me".she hoped she picked the right words to say.

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