Confronting Ed

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Taylor's Pov:

After having a long talk with Jupiter last Night I decided to call Ed over FaceTime and talk to him on Video Call about Jupiter's Online Problems. He was saddened to hear that she was having so many problems at School and Online that we tried to come up with a Solution to help her. I suggested that he should look into getting her Home Schooled when the next School Year Starts. "It's obvious that being at Public School is doing her more harm than good. No matter how you express your point of view of what happened, some Kids and Adults aren't going to understand".

You can tell Ed looked Heartbroken about all of this and I felt really bad for him because he is starting to put his life together He had been completely Sober for almost our Months and yet People still tried to bring him down to his lowest because they didn't approve of what he did and even worst tried to bring down his only Daughter who had nothing to do with the situation.

Ed looked at me as he was thinking of something to say "Your right, she needs to go ahead and get signed up for Home School she has told me that she wants to stay with you on the Road more because she says you have been good for her being a Friend to her when she needed one the most. I'm not sure how to sign her up for Home School as I have never dealt with it before I went to Public School.But you and your Parents know how to help her sign up for it. The last thing I need is for Bullies to try and ruin her life for the mistakes I've made."

My Heart went out to Ed "You know that you'll always have me to talk to even if the whole World crashes down around you I'm always going to be here for you and Jupiter and I'm glad that she considers me as a Friend that she can come to with her Problems.We have gotten real attached to one another while she's on Tour with me and she's a really smart Girl for her Age and really talented with Dancing. I've told her that when she finishes School she can become one of my Dancers and her face just really lit up."

Ed then smiled at me relieved to hear that we have gotten really close. "I always knew that you would be a good influence on her. She doesn't have many Friends except maybe two that she hangs with at School but she needs an Adult Female Friend who she can talk about Girl things you know what I'm trying to say".

I smiled right back "I do know what your talking about. Jupiter is a lot like me when I was her Age. I didn't fit in a Public School and got Picked on a lot because I was different from other Kids. I wasn't breaking into my Parents Wine Cellar and getting Drunk on the Weekends like they were. Instead I spent many Weekends practicinng learning Guitar. Like how Jupiter spends many weekends taking Dance Classes I told her someday that she would be Dancing for me and my Tour if she could just finish School".

Ed listened to what I am telling him. "That's Jupiter alright. She definitely wants to become a Professional Dancer and has told me her Dream is to work with you and Dance with you on Tours.She doesn't want to work for anyone else just you." When Ed had said that it made me feel flattered and excited about Jupiter's Future. It made me happy to know that Jupiter wanted to Work with me.

It also explained why she would often watch Dance Rehearsals and would often Dance at my Shows it was impressive how much she caught on with the Choreography just by watching The Tour. I knew that in the near Future she would go very far in life. I just had no idea that she wanted to work with me until now.

"Your her absolute Favorite Singer right now and your practically all who she talks about she finds your Concerts Amazing and getting to see what you do behind the scenes is really awesome to her. She says you have wonderful Work Ethic and you treat your Band, Dancers and Crew like they are Family and an important part of your Team. She says your an awesome Leader and hardly get impatient with anyone". Said Ed who is impressed by me.

I was completely floored and surprised. I had no idea that I meant this much to Jupiter. All I was trying to do was just be there for her as a Friend but it tickled and flattered me that she admired me for what I did for a living as a Popstar.I must have made quite the impression for her who was in the VIP Tent watching the entire Concert.

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⏰ Last updated: May 18 ⏰

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