Chapter 1

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(In italics cause its a memory)

'Tricky, sweetie don't stress. Highschool isn't that bad. It'll be all okay!' My mom assured me as she kissed my forehead.

'When is dad gonna be home?'

'He had to work late but he'll he home soon' she smiled.

'Now go to sleep, I'll see you tomorrow' her hand carressed my cheek before she stood up and flicked of the lights.

'Goodnight Tricky' she whispered as she left my room and closed the door.

'Goodnight' I whispered back and I closed my eyes. But sleep wasn't coming soon. I was anxious. Anxious for the next day. My first day of highschool. Were people going to like me or were they going to hate me?

My thoughts got disturbed by a loud piercing scream from my mother. I jolted upwards and I froze. My breath started to become quick.

I got out of bed and cautiously crept out of my room. I walked down the stairs being carefull not to make any sounds.

I crept into the living room and stopped dead in my tracks.


Everything was red.


I ran towards my mom who layed facedown on the ground. My body was shaking, my hands trembeling. I grabbed her by her shoulders and turned her around.


Red everywhere.

Her face was bloody. Her blouse was soaked in red liquid.

'M-mom, mom' I started shaking her franatically, trying to wake her up. Trying to get a response'

I suddenly heard footsteps and I turned around.

A man, dressed in all black, carrying a axe covered in blood suddenly stood in front of me. I couldn't move. I couldn't scream. I couldn't do anything. The man raised his axe ready to hit me when out of a sudden he got pushed over.

There was a fight. Lots of screaming. Lots of blood.

I plugged my fingers in my ears trying to block everything out. I closed my eyes, hoping that it was just a nightmare. I rocked back and forth trying to calm myself.

I opened my eyes. There was no fight anymore just two motionless bodies and blood. Lots of blood.

'Dad?' I crawled over the person laying down on his belly.

'D-dad, is, is this you?' I turned him around and I was horrified. The axe was stuck in his chest. Blood pouring out.

I held his body and rocked back and forth.

'No, no, no Dad, you can't be dead, please daddy' I cried.

I grabbed the axe trying to pull it out. Hoping it would miraciously save my dad. But it didn't. Only more blood came pouring out of him.

The sudden realisation of the 'man' that could still be here, got me terrified.

I had to hide. What if he found me. What if he hurt me. I ran as fast as I could to my room and locked myself in the closet. I made myself as small as possible. Knees drawn up to my chest. My hands covering my ears. I wanted to drown out all the sounds but the piercing scream of my mother wouldn't leave. I was suddenly afraid of the dark. Afraid of what I might see so I closed my eyes shut.

'It's just a nightmare, this isn't real. This is just a nightmare, this isn't real. This isn't real!'

(So I had this idea in my head for a long long time, I hope you like it. If you do please vote and comment :)'

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