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It's hard readjusting when you just come back from the dead and then back to life, especially when you got amnesia on the way of a coma.

One of the first thing they had me do after waking up, was to take a shower. Which I was thankful for but not for the fact that they monitored me as I do so.

A nurse even offered to bathe me which I immediately decline.

It was awkward to have them watch me but it felt so nice to have the water flow down my body as I scrubbed soap onto them. Just the feeling of being clean again was refreshing.

After that I was asked to go back to my room. I noticed that there was a sign next to my door. Room 734 it said and beneath that, said Patient Lee Minyoung.

I also noticed the next door patient's. Room 735 Patient Byun Baekhyun. That name sounded achingly familiar.

It's weird that I could've read that considering I couldn't remember any of my memories because I have amnesia.

It's odd how amnesia works. I can speak and write in Korean without any trouble but had no recollection of how I learned it.


Being in the hospital was deadly boring.

Nothing would happen beside the occasional checkups of the doctors and nurses.

The nurses also were the ones who gave me food since I couldn't go to the cafeteria on my own.

The food they gave me were mostly for my health so they weren't very tasty but I couldn't really complain about it.

I was stuck there all day to watch TV and sleep. From time to time, visitors that were unknown to me would come by. They were mostly my parents and brother that I had no idea I had until recently.

They would tell me about who I am and was. They talked about my past, hopefully to get me to remember something which I was thankful for because I really wanted to know.

They told me simple things like what I liked and what I didn't.

They told me that green was my favorite color and that I played the harp. They didn't really go into detail. It was as if they were hiding something from me but I didn't really questioned that.

Mostly because of what I overheard my mom said. "Don't say anything to upset Minyoung. The nurse said that she is weak and could possibly go back into a coma. So don't talk about how she got into a car accident and him."

Him? I had no idea what my mom was talking about.

There was a lot of things I didn't understand about my mom. It was weird to even call her mom. I could tell that she was a very caring and over-protective mom even before my car accident.

She would usually be there when I was about to go to the gym.

I never knew, that hospitals had gyms but I didn't really know a lot things so this wasn't very surprising.

This gym was suppose to help me get healthy and strong again. This was where I was going to learn how to walk again.

This was a lot harder than you might think. It would take so much energy out of me just to take two steps with the help of handles and bars.

My goal was was to take 10 steps but my highest was only 4 steps before collapsing.

It would get me so frustrated when I failed to pass 4. How was I going to reach 10 when I could barely reach 4?

My only ways of moving was to get into a wheelchair. It wasn't hard to move my hands around the wheel but it was a lot easier to have someone roll it for me.

Whenever I went to the restroom or anywhere really. I had this nurse that would always assist me. Her name was Kwon Nara. She was my own personal nurse. She was a really young nurse and made me feel comfortable.

The restroom and almost everything I needed was in the room, so it wasn't very often that I needed to go outside but the doctor said I also needed some vitamin D so I was taken outside by Nurse Kwon. She said, "Make sure to absorb the sun as much as you can," it was odd, the way she said that.

I started going outside every other day, I started to notice that I would always look for the patient next door. Was he in a coma? I never saw him come out of his room here in the hospital. Didn't he need to go outside too?

His room's windows seemed to always be dark and closed. Was anyone even in there?

I guess I got a bit too curious about this mysterious next door patient. I could somewhat feel his presence. I think I knew him from my past. I don't know how, I just got that.

Byun Baekhyun, that name. I wanted to match that with a face.

I guess I got a little too impatient to see who it was. I had without thinking had opened the door to this unknown person's room. It was a struggle to hold the door and roll into the room with my wheel chair but I still managed with a lot of failed attempts.

The room was scarily dark and there was no lights. The windows to his room had curtains that would always be closed and not let a single light in.

This room was designed exactly the same way as my room, so it wasn't hard at all and quite easy to find the light switch to his room and turn it on.

Turning my wheel chair around to see the patient's face made my heart race.

~ ~ ~ ~

"Minyoung-ah! Hold up! We can talk about this. Stop!" He yelled and grabbed onto my hand but I just shook it away.

I was about to run away but then he grabbed onto my arms again and pulled me towards him. Towards his lips. He forced me into a kiss but I urgently tried to get away.

~ ~ ~ ~

My eyes widened as I suddenly remembered this.

I looked at the man that was Byun Baekhyun, eyes closed on the bed. His hair was a bit long for a guy. He looked horrible but I could tell he was handsome.

Why had I remembered that, coming into this room?

- - - - - - - -

Chapter 2 -

How is this happening? Author's block already? On the second chapter. Just great. I know! I know! This is kinda boring but please stay. I'm hoping it gets better!

Oh and oh my gosh isn't Baekie a cutie in that picture?

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