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My dad had left me with my phone and had gone off to who knows where, when he was supposed to monitor me but I was kinda thankful that he left.

I had became a little too curious as to why, Baekhyun and I were both in a coma.

I got up and I was ready to go to his room but fell off the hospital bed I forgot that I still couldn't walk.

I was hopeless and was left to do nothing but crawl. I crawled to my wheel chair that was 100000 steps away from my bed but it was near the door.

I had ended up making my hospital clothes very dirty but I didn't really care.

I managed to get on the chair and wheel myself out of the door.

At first I was hesitant as to whether or not to go into the room. One because I didn't think I was allowed to go into that room and two was because I was scared. Terrified even.

What happened?

Was it too painful that my mom didn't want to tell me?

"Minyoung?!" Dam it! Too late. "What are you doing?" My dad yelled. It had seemed he had gone out to get me some tea. Herbal tea.

"Appa," I just said. I didn't really know what to say.

"Do you remember?" He suddenly asked.

I stayed silent.

"Minyoung," he had become impatient to my silent and walked closer to me. "Do you want to see Baekhyun?"

"Huh?" I asked confused.

"You can see him. I won't hold you back," my dad said sincerely. "I won't tell your mom either," he then added. "Here I'll walk you in," my dad even offered.

He then placed the tea on a table and opened the door so I could roll in. "You go ahead," he said. I noticed that he wasn't going to go in too.

Any doubts as to wether or not to go in now had become only one option and that was to go in. I slowly rolled in and when I did, my dad had shut the door.

The room was dark again. Didn't he have anyone that visited him? Where are his parents?

It was a bit of a struggle to find the light switch since it was so dark but I had managed to find it and flip the switch.

I breathed in and prepared myself to turn around.

I felt my heart pick up it's pace. I was scared. My heart felt shattered.

Oddly I wanted to get closer to him. I slowly wheeled myself closer to get a better image of his face.

My hand subconsciously reached itself out to him and swiped the exceeding bangs out of his eyes.

I could see him now.

He looked so bad.

I couldn't bear to see him so I closed my eyes.

Why are you like this?

Why am I awake and you're still not?

I miss you. My brain subconsciously thought.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~

"I love you."

"Huh?" I was shocked.

"I love you, Minyoung," he repeated.

"I'm sorry but we can't," I had rejected his love.

"Why can't you just say it back?"

Do You Remember? | EXO Baekhyun and KaiWhere stories live. Discover now