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I am as of now, being shut out by Baekhyun, who is isolating himself. I have no idea what he is thinking or feeling. It's actually giving me headache, really.

Chanyeol had finally convince me out of my misery to at least meet Baekhyun once more after, he had apologize so many times, but once we got to his door, it was as if Baekhyun wasn't even there.

We had knocked on his door, but we didn't even hear a movement.

We had yelled his name, but there was no response.

It was dead silent in there.

"Chanyeol, are you sure, he isn't even in there?" I asked.

"I'm positive he's in there, after all it's Saturday." He said.

In the end we never got to meet Baekhyun.

. . .

A month had passed ever since then. The summer in Korea was coming to an end and I would've to go to school again.

I applied to a bunch of different colleges hoping at least one of them would accept me.

I haven't heard anything from Baekhyun and Chanyeol has also been avoiding me lately. I guess it really is over then.

Why had I just end it like that?

It's not like it even worked out in that blind date of his.

I wrote these measly 10 words.

Be happy, Baekhyun. (You can do whatever to the ring)

I had attached the ring to the envelope as well, while I kept the other one, after all, we both had payed for them.

I think he would've thrown his away by now but I kept onto mines because I didn't have the heart to throw it away.

I had gone out of my isolation a long time ago ever since Chanyeol had got me out and now I also had renewed my driver's license hoping to get a job.

It used to be so painful to even think of Baekhyun but now it wasn't as painful when I thought of him but it still hurt.

I guess I was getting over him but not really.

I waited a few days and I got quite a few mail. I had carefully opened one of them hoping I was accepted.

Thank you for applying to our school but we're sorry to inform you did not make the cut, Lee Minyoung.

I didn't even like this school, anyways, I thought bitterly.

I then opened up the next one hoping it to have better results.

Sorry but you did not make it.

And that was it. What a rude school? I probably wouldn't like it anyways!

I opened more saying I didn't make it, like honestly. Was I a bad student?

I mean I was a pretty decent student during my high school days. I would usually make it to the top 10 in rank out of 300 students.

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