T W E N T Y - F O U R

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Chapter 24 - I hate school.





I got up out of my fetus position with my legs pulled up against my chest just thinking but then got out of the couch and went to the door. I tip-toed to see through the hole to see who was outside.

Unfortunately for my height the peephole was placed a little too high. Who would be knocking at 2 at night?

"Who's there?" I asked.


Was some random kid just allow on campus and did that hit and run thing because there wasn't anyone.

Confused, I just assumed I heard wrong or whatnot so I was about to go back to the couch but then I heard his voice.

"It's me."

This voice is higher pitched than Kai's husky voice and it way too familiar for me to pretend I didn't know or recognize.

"What do you want?" I asked harshly.

"Open the door." Baekhyun commanded.

"It's fucking 2 at night. What the hell are you here for?"

"First, open the door."


"Minyoung, please."

"Why should I?" I asked refusing.

"I have something to tell you."

"No you don't!" I protested. "You already told me everything yesterday."

"Stop being so difficult and just open the god dam door that's separating you from me."

"No... I don't want to."

"I'm not going away until you open the door." Baekhyun opposed annoyingly.

"If you have something to say, just say it."

"No you won't listen to me if I do that."

"Then just go away!" I yelled at him from the other side.

"Minyoung, please. I just want to see your face..."

"Just forget it." I said looking down at the ground at my worn out converse.

"Please." Baekhyun sounding desperate now.

I sighed rethinking it. I don't love you anymore. I had to remind myself.

"Minyoung, please." Baekhyun whispered. "I need to see you."

"Go away! I don't want to see you."

"I'm sorry I just really miss you. I need to see you."

I scrunched my face and reluctantly opened the door only a little but the moment that small crack in the door opened to him he pushed it wide open causing me to lose my balance and trip over my own foot but he caught me and embraced me a big bear hug.

His arms had wrapped around my small waist making the hair on my skin stand.

I harshly pushed him off of me almost immediately.

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