💙 You Better Come Back 💙

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"Leo, please don't do this!"

"You're one to talk, big bro. Hero moves are totally your thing."

You stared at the comm on your wrist. Leo was leaving. "Leo, NO! I am begging you, don't leave me!"

You, April, Splinter, Casey, and the three turtles were standing on the roof. Your boyfriend had finally listened to his team, and together, you devised a perfect plan. You would be stationed with Casey to make sure the key was safely removed.

It was time to go. Before Leo could leave, you grabbed his arm.

"Leo, I'm scared. What if this doesn't work?" He smiled that stupid grin you fell in love with.

"Don't worry, (Y/N), everything will work out. I promise I will seal that alien jerk back in his prison. No matter what."

You shook your head. "Just... promise me you'll come back." He glanced down. "Hey. Hamato. Hey, you better come back, okay? Do you hear me? I can't do this without you, Leo. Promise me you'll come back." He looked you in the eyes, then kissed your forehead.

"I promise."

"Leo!" You scream at your bracelet. "Leo, you promised me you'd come back!" You heard a regretful chuckle on the other end.

"I love you, (Y/N)," Leo said softly. "Now, Casey."

Casey said something in response, but you didn't hear it. Your ears were too busy ringing. You stared blankly at the sky. Leo was grunting in pain on your comm. The portal suddenly closed on the ship, and Casey was pulling you off the building, swinging to the ground.

As you two landed, you still couldn't process what was happening. Then you saw it. An odachi sword with blue fabric on its hilt. You didn't even know you were moving, until you fell to your knees in front of it, lifting it gently. You could see Casey's face in the reflection. He looked almost as broken as your heart felt.

Still numb, you vaguely realized Leo's comm was cut off now that the portal was closed. You could still, however, hear everything on his brothers' end.

"Mikey. S'over." Raph's voice came from your wrist.

"Leo never gave up on us. I'm not giving up on him." Suddenly, there were grunts and shouts of surprise. You thought you even heard a cracking noise.

"Guys! What's going on?!" You asked in a panicked voice. No response, just the brothers yelling words you couldn't quite make out. After a few seconds, it quieted down. And then, a voice you didn't think you'd hear again came out of your comm.

"Ewww... Are we in Staten Island?!" Leo. You grabbed Casey's wrist and dragged him back to April and Splinter. April had already hot-wired a truck and you all got inside and rushed to the boys.

When you got there, Leo was already walking Donnie through what first aid to use on Mikey and Raph, while Donnie continuously tried to get Leo to tell him what to do for near-death-by-alien injuries.

You angrily stormed over, snatching the kit from the purple turtle. Leo opened his mouth to protest, but you sent him a glare that shut him up.

"Alright, Leonardo, what's the first thing that needs to be done?"

"Uh, oh. The full name. I'm in trouble." Leo chuckled.

"Leo. First aid. Now." You demanded.

Your boyfriend put his hands up in surrender. "Fine, fine. First, you kiss it better." He gave you a cheeky grin. "But seriously, we should probably just get back to the lair and deal with it in Donnie's lab, I'm not exactly in a-" He hissed through his teeth as he shifted his weight. "greaaaat place to determine what's broken and what's just fractured." You nodded.

"Raph, could you help me move him?" You asked. The large snapping turtle nodded solemnly, lifting his younger brother up. Leo drew in a sharp breath as he was moved, but you gripped his hand.

"Hey, hey, it's okay, Leon," You said comfortingly. "I'm right here, we'll get through this. Together." He turned his head to smile weakly at you. Once he was in the truck and you were safely headed towards the lair, you began to relax.

"(Y/N)?" Leo asked timidly. You hummed in response. "I'm sorry." You took his hand again, gave it a light squeeze, and smiled.

"Leo, what you did was incredibly selfless, brave, and heroic." He opened his mouth but you cut him off. "However. If you ever, and I mean ever, try to die on me again..." You chuckled darkly.

"Your enemy will be the least of your problems." He gave you a nervous grin and you rolled your eyes. "I'm serious. Don't do that to me, Leon. I can't let you go. I love you."

"I love you too, (Y/N). And, hey, I kept my promise, didn't I? I came back." He tried to joke.

You placed a light peck on his lips. "Yeah, I'm glad your brothers held you to it, 'cause you sure tried to break your promise, shell-brain!"

Leo was right. Everything would work out.

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