💚 Little Mouse 💚

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Pairing: Lou Jitsu/Splinter X Fem Reader
Type: Romantic
Summary: Part 2 to Welcome to Hollywood


The short rat-man blanched at you. "(Y/N)..?"

He looked nothing like the man you remembered. Lou Jitsu was tall and thin. This rat was short and round. Lou Jitsu was clean-shaven, with slick black hair. This rat had frizzy tufts of white hair and a scruffy beard. Lou Jitsu wore fashionable suits and had excellent taste in fashion. This rat wore a ragged, worn-looking robe with an odd crest sewn onto it.

But they had the same fire in their eyes. And he knew your name.

"Is it really you, Starlight?" That was him. It was Lou.

"Yes." The rat man- Lou- dropped his weapon and covered his mouth, slowly approaching you. Your lower lip began to quiver. "It's been a while, Sunshine." You said, meeting him halfway. You dropped to your knees so you were at his level, then embraced him.

You felt wetness on your shoulder. You pulled back, expecting tears, but...

"Lou! You're bleeding!" You yelled. He had several cuts on his arms. He groaned.

"You're still mom-ing me? Fighting aliens can do that to a person." He told you. "Speaking of which, you should probably run. I'll call someone to pick you up." He pulled out a tablet, furiously tapping on it. "Cursed device!" He exclaimed. He started yelling at his bracket about purple and the tablet.

"Just tap the phone button." A bored voice came out of the bracelet and your eyes widened. "Then click on the picture of the person you want to call. Also, Leo did the names. Capeesh?" Splinter nodded.

"Hm... okay... Dorkatello... The Cool One... Firetruck... My Baby Boy... Bestie... AH! Evil Sheep Dad! Blue, I am proud of your naming skills." His tablet rang a few times before the call was answered.

"Hello, what is it, Rat? Wait, where are you?" A deep voice said. "Why is everything on fire?"

"Oh, I'm just fighting in the apocalypse! Where are you?! I need you to pick up (Y/N). She's here with me, SAY HI, (Y/N)!" He turned the phone towards you enthusiastically and you waved.

"Wait, you weren't lying about having a girlfriend before Big Mama?" The pink guy on screen shrugged. "Huh. You were right, she is a fine specimen. For a human." Lou was about to say something when a portal opened behind him. "Okay, human, get in the portal. Rat," Lou looked at him. "Good luck." He nodded. You kissed him on the cheek.

"I'll see you soon, Lou." You said, stepped through the gateway. You closed your eyes, bracing for whatever came next. You stepped on something solid, and you could feel bright fluorescent lights before your closed eyes. Someone cleared their throat, and you looked around. You stood in the middle of...

A high school cafeteria? Sheep-guy put a hairnet on.

"Alright, human. I'm going to clean up in here. Don't mess with my leftovers." With that, he turned to start cleaning. You felt awkward just sitting there, so you got up to help.

"These old bones can still scrub dishes, Sheep." You said with a smile. "I'll help."

It went smoothly for a while, until you went to pick up an old pot and a little mouse whizzed out of it. You shrieked, jumping back as one of the mouse's claws got caught on a loose thread from your sleeve. You accidentally backed into a large shelf, knocking over a glass jar with a glowing bug in it. The glass shattered and the bug charged you, biting you just as the mouse sunk its little fangs into your finger in its attempt to escape.

Suddenly, you were felt like you were on fire, your skin itched, but as you looked down, you saw thick tufts of (H/C) fur sprouting all over you. You felt smaller, you fell to your knees as the sheep man grabbed your shoulders.

"Human! Well... I suppose that won't be accurate anymore... Um... are you alright... Lady..?" He asked. You could answer you were too focused on the fact that YOU HAVE CLAWS AND FUR NOW.

It took nearly an hour for Baron Draxum, as he revealed his name to be, to calm you down enough to call Lou. Your ex-lover informed the guy that one of their turtle sons was badly injured, and he needed Draxum's help. You insisted on going, too.

"Listen, I was an aspiring actor, you don't think I had other jobs that paid the bills? I took a bunch of first aid training before helping out at a summer camp. 'Sides, Lou's sons are teenagers, you seem too gruff, and Lou was always crap at medical stuff. You need some backup. I'm coming." Draxum groaned.

"Fine. Get in the portal." He said.


To say things were a mess was an understatement. Lou had four turtle sons, all with some gnarly injuries. Plus two human kids, who were relatively unhurt in comparison.

The red turtle had scratches across his eye. He and the purple turtle each had rectangular burns up one arm. The littlest one had similar burns, but they seemed more severe and fully covered both of his arms. He also looked extremely drained, like he was about to collapse.

And the blue one... it was pretty bad. He was just barely conscious, he made pained noises every time he was shifted even a little, his breathing was short and ragged, and he seemed to have multiple broken bones, plus a cracked shell.

The human kids and Lou seemed to have a few scattered cuts, bruises, and scrapes. Draxum said that he could handle the turtles, so you tended to the human kids. Lou was fairly confused.

"(Y/N), WHAT HAPPENED?! WHY ARE YOU A MOUSE?!" He yelled, so distraught, he actually flew in the air for a few seconds.

"Long story. What happened to your sons?" You countered.

The human girl looked confused. "Splints, who is this? And why do you know her?" The boy grinned.

"I know! You're (Y/N) (L/N), head doctor of the northwest resistance. You took over for Master Leonardo as the team medic, since he had too many missions. And on quiet days, you cared for the children around the base. You and the Grand Master Splinter were amazing!" He explained. You raised an eyebrow.

"Who's Grand Master Splinter? And what's the northwest resistance? I've never even gotten a DUI, much less joined a resistance."

The girl put a hand on his shoulder. "Okay, so this'll sound crazy, but this is Casey Jones, and he's from the future. He came here to stop the alien invasion." She held out a hand for you to shake. "I'm April O'Neil. What's your name?"

"Wait, O'Neil? As in Carol and Kirby O'Neil?" April narrowed her eyes.

"Yeah... they're my parents, why?" She asked. You opened your mouth to respond, but the sheep man interrupted, shouting form the MedBay.


April yelled back. "Suck a lemon, Barry!" To you, she asked, "Do you know them?"

You smiled softly. "Carol and I were best friends as kids. She went with me to the movie set where I met Lou." Lou took your hand, and you squeezed back.


It was a hectic few days. Eventually, you and Draxum wee able to get everyone patched up. You learned that Lou now went by Splinter.

You two began dating again and he helped you adjust to being part mouse. Even though it was hard at first, it brought you two closer, now that you had that shared experience.

The turtles basically adopted you as their mom, and you and Carol were able to start hanging out more. (You also helped April introduce the Hamatos to her parents.)

Two years later, your greatest wish came true. And after that day, you made a few changes to your lifestyle.

You wore one more accessory.

You bossed the turtles around more.

And you signed your name as...

-(Y/N) Hamato.

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