❤️ My Turn ❤️

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Raph wasn't sure how it happened. You and April had asked him and his brothers if they want to hang out with you. Of course, they all said yes (except Donnie, who had to be dragged from the lair.) You were all having an amazing time, nobody even noticed that four of the group's members were turtles!

Then Hypno showed up. And some worm, he said his name was Wally Stove? Raph didn't know him, he seemed to be Hypno's friend.

Hypno wanted to steal some weird thing from a museum, but the turtles wouldn't let that happen. They (plus (Y/N) and April) got out their weapons and braced for battle.

It was going okay, until Leo stepped on the weird, pink, worm guy and started freaking out.

"Ew! Ew! Gross, I stepped on something! Ew, Ew, get it off!" He yelled, hopping around and slashing wildly. Raph jumped into action.

"Gah, Leo!" He yelled as he narrowly avoided getting sliced. "Hold still!" Hypno saw his opportunity and threw a ring towards the distracted turtles. April and the turtles, absorbed in the chaos, continued to yell at Leo, and Leo yelled back, and the blade spun, curving towards Raph's neck.

Raph felt something hit his shell, then everyone's shouting was halted by a shrill scream. The red turtle fell to the ground with a thud, bending over and looking at the red on his hands. Blood.

He had (Y/N)'s blood on his hands. You were lying on the ground in front of him, curled in on yourself. Hypno's ring was still in your stomach. Raph gently rolled you onto your back and touched your shoulder. You groaned, opening your eyes.

"(Y/N)?! (Y/N)!!!" He cried. You whimpered, a few tears leaking out of your eyes.

"Raph? Raph, I... I don't want to die..." You started crying softly. "I don't wanna die..."

Raph tried to hug you, twisting so that he wouldn't hurt you. "No, (Y/N), no. You're not gonna die. I promise you, I won't let you die." He was crying too. "I can't lose you."

April and his brothers stood silently and glided in front of you. Each had a murderous look on their face. Hypno's smirk dropped and he backed away. The worm thing, looking very squished, climbed onto his shoulder. "Let's go, Hypno, I think we lost this one." Hypno nodded.

"Right, mate. We'll get you next time, you pesky turtles!" Mikey threw his fundo at the duo, but they had already departed in a cloud of smoke. The group turned back to their brother, whose hands were now stained darker than his mask.

"(Y/N), please... don't leave me... Why'd you do that? I have my shell." He sniffed as you reached a reddened hand up to his cheek. He cupped his hand over it leaning into your touch. Your fingers were so cold.

You choked back tears for a moment and focused on the turtle's face. "I figured... y-you always protect me... so it was m-my turn..." Everything was getting darker, blurrier, you couldn't think straight. "It was my turn to save you, Raphie..." You mumbled. Your hand went limp in his as you closed your eyes.

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