💚 Welcome to Hollywood 💚

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You were in your early 20s when you met the love of your life.

Lou Jitsu, action movie star, pop culture icon, and your biggest celebrity crush was filming near your apartment, and your best friend, Carol, had been on your tail to go to the auditions for extras. It took her nearly a week to convince you, but you eventually agreed.

"Okay, okay, Carol! I'll go to the stupid auditions, freak out in front of Lou Jitsu, make a fool of myself, and not even get the part!" Carol shoved your arm, lightly scoffing.

"Pshh- You'll do great!" She egged you on. "Please, (Y/N)? If not for you, for me?" You sighed.

"Fiiiiiiiiiiine." You groaned. "Let's go."

Carol squealed in excitement, bouncing up and helping you get ready.


When you and Carol arrived at the park, there was already a long line for the auditions. You took one look at it, and turned on your heel.

"Welp, Lou has enough options already. Let's go." Carol grabbed the back of your shirt.

"Nice try. You don't have any other plans today. We're waiting, girl."

You moped for a moment. "Cowabummer." You mumbled.

It took over two hours to reach the front of the line, where the Lou Jitsu awaited you. You had to fight back a shriek.

The casting director walked over to you two. "Uh, okay, what're you auditioning for?" He asked in a bored tone.

Carol smiled brightly. "Just extras!" She chirped. The man rolled his eyes.

"Sorry, we already have plenty. Good day." Carol sputtered for a few seconds.

"W-what?! Are there any other roles?! Sir? Sir?!" She ran after him, but he turned abruptly.

"I'm sorry, kid, but I don't think you two are good enough for anything more than extras." You sighed dejectedly, putting your hand on Carol's shoulder.

"Come on, Carol. Let's go." You muttered. She turned to argue, but stopped short, shock plastered on her face. You opened her mouth to ask her what was up when someone spoke from behind you.

"Go where? You'd make such a great billionaire's daughter." You turned around, eyes wider than pizzas. Lou Jitsu himself stood behind you, cocky grin spreading from ear-to-ear.

"Lou Jitsu?!" You yelled. He smirked at you.

"In the handsome, amazing flesh. Nice to meet you..?" He prompted.

"(Y-Y/N)... (Y/N) (L/N)..." You whispered shyly. Lou smiled, then turned to casting director.

"Hey, Mike, can't these two do something little? I mean, nobody's signed up for... the scene." Mike groaned.

"Well, yeah, but..." He thought for a moment. "Okay, yeah, that could work. Ladies, welcome to the set. Hope you're ready." Lou winked at you before walked off to talk to his numerous stunt doubles. As you watched, you had to say, it was quite sweet how he greeted all of them by name and asked them for updates on their personal lives.


Filming was okay. You did well on your lines.

It turned out, you two were for a touching scene where Lou Jitsu is hurt in a fight, and two girls patch him up, then get his mojo back.  You even bonded a bit with Lou Jitsu himself! Working with him helped you to see him as less of some perfect statue on a pedestal, and more of a human being, with flaws and imperfections

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