❤️ Because I Love You ❤️

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Pairing: Raph x Fem!Reader
Type: Romantic ~angst~
Summary: Part 2 for My Turn. The comfort to the hurt, lol

Leo and Donnie dashed over, Donnie immediately running a scan while Leo looked for a pulse.

"I've got it!" The blue turtle cried. "It's faint, but she's still alive!" Donnie was furiously typing on his wristband. He looked up for a moment.

"Got the scan, Nardo." He said gravely. Leo looked over the data and sighed.

"Okay, that's... that's not as bad as it could've been. It's still pretty bad, but I think we can help. So, I believe the blade missed anything major. We're lucky it was one of the smaller rings. Pulling it out, however, will be tricky. It's right by a bunch of major organs, and she's losing a lot of blood already. It's sealing the wound, for now, so we need to leave it in until we are ready to deal with a lot of blood loss."

April pulled out her phone. "There's a hospital nearby. We can get her there in under five minutes if we hurry." The last bit was directed at Donnie, who nodded, pressing a few buttons on his wrist controller. His battle shell quickly became a jet pack, and April climbed on. Raph handed (Y/N) to her gently. He wiped a tear off her cheek, then nodded at Donnie.

It didn't take long to get (Y/N) admitted into the Emergency Room. Apparently, unconscious girls with heavily bleeding stab wounds constitute an emergency. The nurses wheeled her away on a gurney while April sat in the waiting room, giving the receptionist any required information about your family.

Your mom arrived soon and thanked April for bringing you here.  She had to leave after a bit to take care of your siblings, but April promised to text her with any updates.

Hours later, a nurse came into the waiting room and told her that you were stable and awake. April quickly texted your mom with the update, then told the turtles as well.

The nurse brought April to your room, where you were half-conscious and on heavy-duty painkillers.

"Oh, heyyy, Apes! How're the guys? 'S Raph freakin' out? I bet he's freakin' out. Heh... he's so cute... even if his shell's really spiky for cuddles..." You giggled breathlessly.

"Huh? Shell? What are you... talking about, girllll?" April squeaked nervously. The nurse chuckled.

"Sometimes the meds can make patients a little... loopy."

"I am perefec- percfet- percfecet- perfect! Perfectly fineee! Raph's my boyfriend! And he's a turtley-boo! Heheheh..." You flopped backward. "Mkay, I'm tired now, goodnight, mommy!"

"The nurse isn't your mom, (Y/N)."


You were discharged after a few days. Raph treated you like you were made of glass. It was getting annoying.

"Dude, I can change the channel myself." You groaned as Raph flitted around you like a concerned mama bird. 

"Okay, that's good. Do you need more blankets? Warm drink? Cold drink? I could play some music for you. Or Leo could make tea. Want me to ask Mikey to cook some food for you? Whatever you need, Raph's gotcha."

You chuckled. "Raphie, right now, all I want is to cuddle my adorably over-protective boyfriend." 

He huffed. "I'm allowed to be protective." He sat next to you, wrapping his arms around you. You lean into him, getting comfy. 

Raph's shoulders begin to shake. Something wet falls onto your scalp and Raph is quietly sniffing and hiccuping.

"Oh, Raph... it's okay, sweetheart..." You gently caressed his cheek. "You need a break, love."

He wiped furiously at his eyes. "You got hurt 'cause of me. I need to be better, or it could happen again!" You got up and stood in front of him, holding his hand.

"That wasn't your fault, Raph."

"Yes it was! If I were faster or was paying more attention, you wouldn't have had to take a hit for me!" He got to his feet too. "You shouldn't have been in that situation!"

"Well, if I hadn't taken the hit, it could've cut your neck! You can't go to a hospital and even if you could, you'd be dead in minutes! I'm going to do things that are dangerous, Raph. It comes with the territory of being part of the Mad Dogz, but you can't put all the blame for my actions on to you! If Leo started blaming himself because he was one who distracted you all, what would you tell him?!"

"That's different, (Y/N)!"


"Because it isn't Leo's job to protect the team, it's mine!" He shouted, loud enough to make you flinch. "It's my job. I'm the big brother. The brother who is the biggest. And... I have to protect my family. I can take hits they can't. And I'm supposed to be the one jumping in harm's way to save you. It's my responsibility as your boyfriend to protect you."

"And it's mine to protect you. Raph, love goes both ways. You love me? You don't want me to get hurt? You want me to be safe? I feel the same way about you, Raph. I hate it when you come home with a cut or a bruise, and I knew I couldn't just watch you get hurt and not do anything. I love you, Raph." Raph sat down and you sat next to him.

"I took that hit because I love you, Raphie." You snuggled up to him, tracing his plastron gently with your finger.

"I love you too, (Y/N)." He whispered.

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