💜 Kinda Sketchy 💜

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Pairing: Donnie X GN!Reader
Type: Romantic Fluff
Summary: Donnie finds your sketchbook

Donnie was not a snoop. He simply liked to look out for his friend. So, when you left your sketchbook in his lab during lunch, he had to look at it... right? For science. 

(And it definitely had nothing to do with his crush on you)

He opened the book to the collection with a green tag labeled 'Le Teetles' first and found a large collection of drawings. There were some Leos, a Raph or two, and a couple of Mikeys scattered across the pages. He also found several of you and your human friends as mutant turtles. He had to admit, you were really cute as a turtle.

Next, there was an orange tab labeled 'Indoor'. There were various drawings of different building interiors, ranging from a kitchen to a classroom to an indoor stadium. He assumed you used this as a bit of a reference for backgrounds. 

He confirmed this by turning to a blue tab, 'Outdoor', which had parks, streets, forests, all sorts of places, both urban and rural. Definitely for backdrops. Some of them, he even recognized from your short comic strips.

He was about to open a red tab called 'Elements', when a purple section caught his attention instead. There were no words. Just a scribbled heart. He opened it.

Donnies. So. Many. Donnies.

He was tinkering with some metal gadget, a lamp casting a faded light on his face.

He was listening to his music over his headphones, a calm smile on his lips.

He was dozing on a blueprint, so peaceful.

He was laughing.

Donnie stared at the drawings. You had drawn these while you were in his lab, he'd bet anything. Not that he was mad! No, these were beautiful. 

But why was it labeled with a heart? He wondered as he turned the page. Oh.

This page? It was full of pictures of him, but also of you. In one, he was a superhero, carrying you bridal style. In another, you two were a sci-fi power couple, back-to-back holding ray guns. And one... in one of your sketches, he had you in a passionate kiss. 

His face went bright red. Then the door opened. 

"Hey, Dee!" You called from the door. "Donnie?" You questioned when he didn't answer.

You noticed your sketchbook in his hands, and he panicked. 

"Oh, uh, heyyy (Y/N)... What's up, I'm just chilling in my lab, we're great, no biggie..." You looked utterly mortified.

"You saw." You whispered. You were next to him in a blink, snatching your book from him. "You saw my drawings..."

Donnie crossed his arms and looked down. "Yeah. I did."

You turned to walk out. "Well, I have to go. I'll see you... later..." You almost made it two steps before a firm grasp on your hand stopped you.

"Wait. (Y/N), I love you, too. That's why I looked at your sketches. I wanted to see if they had any hints on how to confess." You were dumbstruck for a few seconds. Since Donnie couldn't see your face, he took this as a sign that you were angry. "Listen, I'm sorry. I understand if you're angry, I understand if you never want to talk again but please, even if you don't want to see me anymore, please don't leave my brothers. They really like you, especially Mikey, and they would be heartbroken if you left. I would too, I mean, I really do like you, but I don't want to invalidate you because your feelings are really important and-" You cut him off with a kiss. On the mouth.

You took a step back and he touched his mouth. "I'm not mad, Donnie. I'm just a little embarrassed. Why'd this have to be how you found out?!" You whined a little. Donnie chuckled and smiled at you.

"Because. You're an artist with self-expression issues. And I'm an idiot with a genius-level IQ. I can't imagine anything more us." You leaned in to kiss him again but were cut off by a voice from the door.

"Yeesh, it's like a corny knock-off of Tristan and Annabelle."

"DAD!!!" Donnie yelled, turning bright red. Raph rushed into the doorway and scooped up the cackling rat.

"Sorry! Couldn't keep up with him. But Raph's got this now. Enjoy your couple time!" He called over his should as he ran. 

"Wait, Donnie and (Y/N) are OFFICIAL now?! NO!!!" Leo's voice cried from downstairs. 

"Ha! I won, Leon! Cough it up! You too, April!" Mikey said triumphantly. April and Leo groaned loudly, and Raph started shouting back. 

"I told you guys not to make bets on Donnie and (Y/N)'s relationship!" 

"But we did!"

You rolled your eyes and smiled at Donnie. He leaned in the rest of the way, leading you into a kiss worthy of your sketchbook.

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