Am I dead?

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Wei Ying found himself held in a tight embrace as he woke up, he yawned and tugged around to feel something soft, he grasped it and pulled it, feeling a sharp sting to his own body. The shock was enough to open his eyes to find two sturdy hands wrapped around him. 

He jerked his head back to see a familiar white robe , Lan zhan! He was sitting on Lan zhan's lap! Lan zhan was hugging him! Wei ying couldn't believe his eyes! He wouldn't live if this dream ended! Wei Ying closed his eyes once again tightly, only to find Lan zhan's body colder than his glares. 

Not before Jiang cheng had killed him! Jiang cheng had killed him! He propped his head up to take a look at himself, his hands were soft, small, covered in red fur! They weren't hands anymore! He had paws! 

Wei ying nosed around, to see a fluffy tail, his body was way smaller than what he had before dying. 

Wei ying escaped Lan zhan's arms, which wasn't a very hard task, given that Lan zhan didn't resist. He then proceeded to tug the crimson sleeves of Lan wangji's robes, all in vain. Wei ying prodded and poked the lan, but soon came to the conclusion, that the Lan was dead. It left an already devastated Wei ying, even more devastated. 

Tears streamed down the fox's eyes, he buried himself in Lan zhan's lap once again. He cried for something that could have been, but a sharp tug at his tail made him turn around, only to be met with those beautiful golden eyes, he never thought he'd see again. 

His Lan zhan was a fox! Just like him! 

"Wei ying. " The white fox said, 

"You're so pretty Lan zhan!" Wei ying jumped to lick the white fox all over his face.

"Wei ying is the prettiest vixen." Lan zhan replied, matter of factly.

"Vixen?" A furiously blushing Wei ying asked. 

"Mn, my vixen." Lan zhan declared. 

Wei ying checked his body, he soon realized that the Lan was indeed telling the truth. 

Wei ying felt redness creep his already red cheeks, "What are we going to do now?" Wei ying asked, changing the subject. 

"Take a-yuan to safety. " Lan zhan replied. 

"Where? " The red fox asked. 

"Cloud recesses." Lan zhan said, 

"Yunmeng is way closer. " Wei ying protested. 

"Jiang wanyin is an angry grape." Lan zhan announced. 

"He is my brother! " Wei ying chastised. 

"Wangji doesn't like him." Lan zhan said firmly. 

"I don't like Zewu-jun as well!" Wei ying faux attacked lan zhan with his paw.

"Mn, yunmeng then." Lan zhan accepted his defeat. 


The two foxes somehow managed to drag the child out of the burial mound and to the lotus pier. They sighed in relief only when the child was in Jiang cheng's custody. 

The jiang disciples had taken the child to the infirmary, meanwhile the Jiang clan leader had diverted his attention to the foxes.

"Thank you for saving the child." Jiang cheng said petting Wei ying's back, but the joy of being petted didn't last very long for Wei ying, as Lan zhan had already scratched Jiang cheng's hands away.

"Are you jealous that I did not pet you?" Jiang cheng cooed at Lan wangji, as his shixiong laughed uncontrollably. Lan zhan only glared daggers at the Jiang clan leader.

"What's wrong with you? I was just petting your little friend." Jiang cheng said,

"Zhongzhu, she must be the white fox's vixen. I've heard that the foxes can be quite possessive of their mates." One of the Jiang disciples informed, Wei Ying wanted to hide in a hole, while Lan zhan looked smug.

"Don't worry little guy, I'm not your love rival." Jiang cheng cooed at Lan wangji.

Wei ying didn't know whether to blush, die or disappear from this planet. 

"Xinyi, get two collars and some pork ribs and raw eggs." Jiang cheng said, the servant obliged. 

Soon, the two foxes were collared, fed and led to an attic like room, a room where wei ying used to hide from yu ziyuan's whip when he was a child.

A soft bed with few pillows was arranged for them, but how could they sleep, when their baby was all alone.

Hence, the two foxes tiptoed towards the infirmary where a-yuan was sleeping. Wei ying jumped on the bed and squeezed his small body beside his son, Lan zhan coiled around his wife. 

He gently licked Wei ying's ears a few times and scented the vixen to sleep, the latter fell asleep nuzzling the white fox. 

Wei ying 

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Wei ying 

Lan zhan 

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Lan zhan 

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