I love you period!

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"Lan zhan, you need to eat." Wei ying said, bringing pork rib soup to Lan zhan. 

"Mn." Lan zhan grumbled, trying to get up had put some strain on his stitches.

"Whenever I fell sick or got injured, my shijie would make this soup for me. She used to feed me too, but given that I've a fox's body, I can't do that for you." Wei ying said sorrowfully.

'What if I hadn't been so dense and realized my feelings for Lan zhan already!' Wei ying wanted to hit his head.

"Thank you wei ying, for taking care of me." Lan zhan replied, eating the soup slowly. 

"Xuebai-furen, take good care of your husband." The elderly head healer of the Jiang clan petted Wei ying. 

Wei ying blushed. 'What if...what if I really was Lan zhan's furen?' A thought entered Wei ying's mind, maybe this was what "desiring  for more than you are entitled to" feels.

'Was this how my Lan zhan felt? My imagination makes me happy, but reality takes it all away! This is so annoying!' Wei ying's mind supplied. 

"Don't think over it too much. We'll always remain friends, no matter what others say." Lan zhan tried to reassure Wei ying, but it DID NOT help!

"Not friends." Wei ying said. 

"Wangji is sorry, after what Wangji has done on the Baifeng mountain. Wangji does not deserve Wei ying's friendship." Lan zhan said grimly.

"Lan zhan baobei! Look at me!" Wei ying said, turning Lan zhan's face towards himself. 

"I don't want to be friends with you anymore, because I want to be your lover, your husband." Wei ying confessed. 

"Wangji's actions shouldn't compel Wei ying,  into changing his preferences." Lan zhan said. 

"I know that it sounds unbelievable, but I haven't felt anything for anyone, until I met you. I felt that I fancied the girls, who I sweet talked into giving me stuff, because many boys around me did the same........but, last night, when you told me that you kissed me, I realized it for the first time. I've always felt it, but it took me too long to realize it." Wei ying spoke.

"Wei ying, you don't have to be worried about ruining our friendship, because of Wangji's feelings and impulsive actions." His stupidly sweet Lan zhan spoke.

"Lan zhan, I swear to you that it's not a spur of the moment thing and it's not me teasing or playing with you. It's not out of gratitude either. Basically it's not for any other bullshit reasons apart from the fact that I just really like you, so much so that I want to get into bed with you. I don't want anyone else except you. It has to be you, no one else will do. You can do anything you want to me—whatever and however you want, and I'll be happy—as long as you are willing to do it with me......" Wei ying confessed, with his paw at his heart.

Wangji's breath hitched, he stood still, like a lod, watching Wei ying in disbelief. His white face heating up, Wei Ying couldn't help but miss the sight of Lan zhan's adorable red ears, but this is cute too.

"Due to recent incidents, Wei Ying must've misunderstood his feelings. I think Wei Ying should rethink his decision." Lan zhan said. 

"Lan zhan! I know what I feel!" Wei ying cried. 

"I think Wei ying needs more time." Lan zhan spoke.

"Lan zhan! You idiot! I love you period!" Wei ying yelled, annoyed by the Lan's actions. 

"What if Wei ying  suddenly realizes that Wangji is not the one Wei ying loves and feels trapped with Wangji?" Lan zhan tried to reason with him.

"Do you understand the meaning of forever?! If you do, then I'm in it forever! " Wei ying replied fiercely. 

"We can give it a try for one year, if Wei ying still feels the same, then we can be together 'forever'." Lan zhan put forth his proposal. 

"Deal!" Wei ying placed his paw in front of Lan zhan's. 

"Deal." Lan zhan sighed in defeat, placing his paw over Wei ying's, the latter had already started to feel giddy from Lan zhan's touch.

'I'll make him believe, I'll make him take that leap!' Wei ying promised himself. 

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