The courting year

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After a few days of care from his wife, a-yuan and the Jiangs, Lan zhan had recovered full well.

Now the family of three, stood in front of a toy shop, with the Jiujiu accompanying them with his money pouch as well.

"What do you want kid?" Jiang cheng frowned. 

"The butterfly!" Yuan squealed. 

Jiang cheng ended up buying a dozen of the said butterflies for the kid, Wei Ying watched his son and shidi fondly. 

"Won't Lan zhan provide for his furen?" Wei ying batted his eyelashes, earning a quick lick on his snout in agreement. 

"What does my a-ying want?" Lan zhan asked fondly. 

"A-ying wants  lots of kisses and cuddles!" Wei ying demanded. 

"Mn." Wangji agreed, entwining his tail with the red fox's and rubbing his scent glands against it.

The fuzzy feeling refused to go away, it felt giddy, it felt safe, it felt somewhat different, but it was the best feeling Wei ying has ever had.


3 months

"Aren't you in love with me yet?" Wei ying whined, body coiled under Lan zhan's body.

The feeling of Lan zhan's fur, the softness, the warmth, the love, it engulfed him and melted his bones, like a chunk of butter. 

"Always loved Wei ying." Lan zhan replied, licking Wei ying's ears.

"Our home is so nice Lan zhan, we can see the stars as well." Wei ying yawned. 

"Mn, the sky is beautiful." Wangji replied. 

"Do you know, who else is more beautiful?" Wei ying asked playfully. 

"My a-ying." Lan zhan replied smoothly. 

"Er-gege! Have mercy on my poor heart!" Wei ying play bit Lan zhan, while the latter bit a little harder. 

"Lan zhan! Are you going to eat me?!" Wei ying Scolded. 

"Mn, eat my sweet qizi up. " Lan zhan flirted. 

"My god er-gege! Did you just flirted?" A very hyped up Wei ying asked. 

"Wangji only spoke the truth." Lan zhan replied with a smug look.

"I've a weak heart er-gege!" Wei ying yelled, hiding his face in his paws.


7 months

Lan zhan had a new obsession now, that is, licking Wei ying's ears every chance he got. On the other hand, his qizi liked to groom him almost 40 times a day.

"A-zhan, I love you too, you big baby!" Wei ying giggled through, one of Lan zhan's ear licking sessions. 

"A-ying grooms me all the time." Lan zhan replied. 

"I'm a vixen!" Wei ying protested. 

"I'm a fox!" Lan zhan counter attacked. 

"A-zhan, I feel weird these days. I want you to hold me." Wei ying panted.

"A-ying...has been humping my leg since a few days." Lan zhan said. 

"I want you a-zhan....please.......breed me." Wei ying moaned. 

"A-ying is in heat." Wangji concluded. 

"Damn it! Lan zhan mate with me!" Wei ying howled a mating call.

Lan zhan howled back. For the next few days, the foxes only came out to hunt and scent mark their territory. 

For the next few days, sect leader Jiang couldn't sleep.


Almost a day or two after his heat, Wei Ying started to lay soft leaves on the floor of the pups' chamber, decorating it with flowers and soft herbs, to provide the litter a comfortable resting place.

Lan zhan being a responsible provider, helped his mate as well.

"A-ying, are you...are you carrying? " Lan zhan asked. 

"I don't know, but it feels weird." Wei ying answered. 

"Come with Wangji." Wangji dragged his mate to the Jiang healer. 


"What is it now? Looks like Xuebai-furen had been through her heat." The jiang healer patted the fox's head.

"Jump on the bed." The doctor petted the bed.

Wei ying jumped on it, the healer poked and prodded his belly and declared that Wei ying was going to have his first litter. The soon-to-be parents nuzzled, licked and groomed each other. 

"Will you marry me, now?" Wei ying asked. 

"Right now." Wangji said, licking Wei ying's snout and belly.

"We can call a-yuan and a-cheng." Wei ying suggested. 

"Mn" Lan zhan nuzzled his mate lovingly. 

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