A dark night.

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"Xuebai furen, you need to rest. You've injured your paw! Are you even listening to me?" Jiang cheng asked to a restlessly pacing Wei ying. 

"Don't you get it! Lan zhan is out there alone! Where there are god know how many yao's are roaming!" Wei ying howled.

"He's going to be alright." Jiang cheng tried to reassure wei ying. 

The latter now scratched the door frantically. 

"Let me go!" Wei ying yelled 

Finally, after an hour of yelling, howling, scratching and biting Jiang cheng opened the door for Wei ying. Needless to say, the fox escape right after it.


"Lan zhan! Where are you?" Wei ying howled. He called Lan zhan for more than an hour, when he finally decided to go inside the forest to search for the Lan. 

"Lan zhan!" Wei ying called, but instead of Lan zhan's mewls, he heard a loud growl. Wei ying pried in the direction of the noise, where he found two shiny eyes looking at him. It was a tiger yao. 

Without sparing Wei ying another moment of defense, the yao bared it's teeth and jumped at the fox, Wei Ying awaited for sharp canines to rip him to pieces.

At that moment, he wished to  do nothing  more that to confess his undying love for Lan zhan! And yes, he was a cut-sleeve, but the realization came a little too late!

Wei ying closed his eyes, imagining Lan zhan's soft gaze as he awaited for the beast to tear him apart, but the pain never came.


"Wei ying! " a shrill cry entered his ears, with a sharp thud, a white fox collapsed on the ground taking the blow meant for him, on his own belly, his white coat turning blood red.

"Lan zhan!" Wei ying screamed, leaping towards the white fox.

His Lan zhan had taken the blow for him, his Lan zhan who had no idea how much he loved him! Why did you do it Lan zhan?! Wei Ying screamed. The beast was about to take another leap at Wei Ying, who was more than happy to die beside his lover, but a thundering growl came in it's place.

The beast laid dead in front of him, a woman, Mianmian to be precise, had saved him.

"A-yang! The fox looks bad! It's still breathing!" A man who was neither of the Mianmian's admirers called her.

"If we reach the Jiangs on time, then we might save it!" Mianmian said, tying a cloth tightly around Lan zhan's belly, carrying the unconscious fox on her sword.

Wei ying had no option, but to lead the non-cultivator to the lotus pier.


"If you were a little late, he would've dissipated. Thank you madam for saving our Xuebai xiansheng. " the healer thanked Mianmian. 

"Xuebai xiansheng?" Mianmian asked. 

"Mn, he is one of the sect leader jiang's pet fox spirits." The healer said fondly looking at the fox spirits.

Wei ying laid beside Lan zhan, watching over him without a blink.

"You've to pull through this a-zhan. I am so sorry for not realizing before, but now I do. I'm sorry and I love you." Wei ying spoke as tears streamed down his cheeks.


"Wei ying...." Lan zhan spoke in a raspy voice.

"Lan zhan! You woke up!" Wei ying mewled, licking Lan zhan all over his face.

"Are you alright? " Lan zhan asked.

"I'm not the one injured." Wei ying said, trying to hold back his tears.

"Have you eaten? " Lan zhan asked. 

'How had he not realized, how much his Lan zhan loved him? How could he just outrightly dismiss Lan zhan's feelings for him?!' Wei ying wanted to slap himself. 

"Get well soon er-gege. " Wei ying said.

"My heart can't take being called er-gege." Lan zhan joked.

"No one can stop me from calling you er-gege!" Wei ying asserted his dominance. 

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