Chapter 8

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(This book is going to be short sorry

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(This book is going to be short sorry. It's not a long movie.)

I was determined to see him again. He loved me, and I loved him too. People shared dirty looks with me as I ran through them.

"Hey watch it!" A man yelled.

I scoffed, "Sorry!"

I made it to where they sold the papers. Weasel stood behind the bars per usual.

"Where is he?" I slammed my hands on the counter.

He rolled his eyes, "Your holding up the line, move it."

I reached through the bars grabbing his shirt, I pulled him close, "Where is he!?"

He back away, "Your a crazy girl," he pointed his finger, "But don't get any more crazy when he denies you. You saw what he chose."

Groans of inpatient boys were heard from behind me. They can wait. I have way much more important business to deal with. My heart jumped when I saw weasel come out with Jack. But Jack didn't look happy.

"What do you want?" He said lowly.

I walked closer to him but he backed away, "Jack I love you. Okay I know this isn't you."

He sighed with an unreadable expression on his face, "I'm sorry but I don't love you."

I felt tears weld in my eyes, "What are you talking about Sarah sai-"

"Why are you believing what she said? I never said anything." He but his lip looking away, "Get out of here."

"I don't understand." I wiped my tears.

He shook his head, "I don't need you to, I don't care for you, just get out of my life so I can finally be happy."

I scoffed through tears, "I never want to see you again." My voice cracked before I walked away.

I heard weasel laugh with excitement patting Jack on the back, "You don't need her, you'll finally have everything you need."

My heart hurt so much. I thought he did care and Sarah wouldn't lie. People gave me looks, because I didn't watch where I was going, I couldn't with the tears in my eyes.

I found myself being grabbed by someone. I jumped but relaxed when I saw David.

"Y/n?" He said barley above a whisper.

I quickly wrapped my arms around him, he didn't hesitate to hold me back.

"It's not fair." I cried.

His hand ran up and down over my back comforting me, "I know." He whispered in my ear. He pulled away giving me a look of annoyance, "Let's go somewhere more private."

I looked at him confused, "Why?" I followed his gaze. I turned around seeing Jack looking our way. I nodded in response before we walked back to David's apartment.


I sniffled as my head laid on Sarah's shoulder, her fingers running through my hair, "I don't understand him."

"I know," she sighed pulling away, "Maybe it's best that we get some rest."

"Yeah I know." I rubbed my eyes before looking over at David.

"If you need anything just let me know." I nodded in response as Sarah handed me some clothes, "Spot knows your here, he heard through the boys."

"I know he's fuming right now." I put my hand to my head at the thought.

"Yeah well I almost got a good swing on him, if weasel and the cops weren't in the way I would've finished it." David shook his head at the thought.

Les ran up to me, "Guys I think maybe he's just trying to help, like he's a spy."

I ruffled his hair, "Sure Les."

Mrs. Jacobs picked Les up placing a kiss on his cheek, "Let's head to bed now, try not to put any thought to it."

I smiled at her before we all shared our good nights. I joined Sarah in bed, waiting for the long night ahead of me.

(I know the movie isn't really popular and I'm glad for the ones who do read it. Have a nice day. Also sorry for the long waited update.)

Word Count: 671

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