♧The Voice in the Night:Part 2♧

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Book One:

Chapter Four:
🌬The Voice in the Night☁️

Chapter Four:🌬The Voice in the Night☁️☁️☁️☁️☁️☁️☁️☁️☁️☁️☁️☁️☁️☁️☁️☁️☁️

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The scene shows that there are four shown at the Sato industry. As there was a Satomoblie begin lifted by one of the workers.

The factory contains several rows of Satomobiles in an assembly line. Hiroshi Sato and his daughter, Asami Sato, stand side by side, along with Y/N standing next to them, while Mako stands in front of them for conversation purposes.

Mr. Sato: What do you think of my little operation here?

Mako: It's very impressive, Mr. Sato.

Said in amazement. He seen some Satomoblies before but never to see the inside ans see the project that the Hiroshi Sato created.

Hiroshi Sato: Please, call me Hiroshi. So, I understand you're dirt poor.

At the sidelines Y/N coughed at chuckled hearing what his boss said. Asami hears and slapped his arm trying to make him stop as she gave a slight glare to him.

This didn't affect him in the least but just side hugged Asami in a way to apologize. Leaning to the touch then moving away.

Mako was trying to counteract with the statement of what Hiroshi Sato commented but he beat him to it.

Hiroshi Sato: Young man, it is nothing to be ashamed of. I too came from humble beginnings. Why, when I was your age, I was a mere shoe-shiner, and all I had to my name was an idea; the Satomobile.

He was then cut briefly to show a Satomoblie to all three teenagers.

Hiroshi: Now, I was fortunate enough to meet someone who believed in me and my work ethic.

The scene then showed Mako's face to see him smiling hearing about Hiroshi tory on how he created the whole industry of Satomoblie industry.

Hiroshi Sato: He gave me the money I needed to get my idea off the ground and I built the entire Future Industries empire from that one selfless loan.

Turning around to show the whole place in pride of his work.

Both Asami ans Y/N gave a look. He chuckled at this and placed a hand on Hiroshi's shoulder.

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