♤The Guide: Part 2♤

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Book Two:

Chapter Nine:
The Guide

Chapter Nine:The Guide●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●

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Everyone was in awe when the spirit bunnies appeared. One got near Y/N but only a step away from him as he looked away from it until it snuggled on his face making him groan mentally at it.

Korra smiled at this as did everyone.

Kya: I knew it. Looks like she does know something about spiritual matters.

The dragonfly bunny spirits fly out of the temple, while Ikki and Meelo give chase.

Ikki: So cute!

Meelo: Bunnies!

Ikki: Come back!

Tenzin: How long have you been able to do this?

Jinora: I don't know. I guess I've always kind of had a connection with spirits.

A blue dragon-fly bunny got near Bumi and landed on his shoulder, making him laugh.

Bumi: I think this one likes me.

Korra: Are they here to help?

The spirits descend beneath the cliffside showing the way to help Korra.

Jinora: I think they want you to go down there.

Tenzin: I don't know. The spiritual energy is historically strongest near the temple.

Y/N: No offense, but I'm guessing the spirits have actually been to the Spirit World, so I'm gonna follow them.

Bumi: If we need to go to the Tenzin World, we'll call you.

{I'm going to skip this part; Sorry}

In Varrick's office which is glowing orange. The door opens and the two bodyguards shove Mako in. It shows Varrick and the floor which is covered with burning coal.

Varrick: I hear you've got some ideas. You wanna tell me about them?

Mako: Go ahead. Torture me all you want. I'm not gonna talk.

Varrick: Torture? The only thing I want to torture is this pesky foot fungus.

He shows his infected foot and screams in pain as he walks through the coal.

Varrick: Ah! Eee! Ooh! The burning means it's working.

The bodyguards leave upon receiving a look from Varrick.

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