♤The Sting: Part 2♤

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Book Two:

Chapter Six:
The Sting



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Outside the Triple Threat Triad headquarters. Asami was close beside Amane as he questioned this part Mako knew.

Asami: Are you sure this is a good idea?

Amane: Yeah, cause this is really sketchy…

Mako: No, but it's our last resort.

Mako knocks on the door. That’s when one of the triple threats slides the open faceplate and saw Mako.

Triple Threat doorman: Hey, Mako. Whatever you think we did, we didn't do it.

Mako: I'm not here on police business. I'm running an off-the-books operation, and I thought the Triple Threats might want a piece of the action.

Triple Threat doorman: How big a piece?

Mako, Asami and Amane are now inside the headquarters, seated opposite Viper but Amane was standing behind the table with his arms crossed.

Viper: So Mr. Law and Order needs our help, huh? What's in it for the Triple Threats?

Mako: I am personal friends with that Avatar. I might be able to convince her to give Shady Shin his bending back.

Shady Shin: Sounds good to me, boss.

Viped glared at Shady Shin as he suddenly spoke, making him look away in shame.

Viper: What about the rest of us?

Asami: I've got vehicles, all brand-new and top of the line. They can be yours if you help

Viper: I think we got ourselves a deal.
Now all three teens and the triple threat were at the bait ship in the open sea.

Mako: This is right around the area where the attacks happened. So keep your eyes peeled, and stay quiet.

Two Toed Ping: I agree. Keep quiet. Mouth zipped, don't say a word. That's the best thing to do when you're trying to ambush somebody, which is what we're doing here, and it's basically what I'm always doing. I mean, I am a gangster, after all, and -

Mako: Two Toed Ping, please.

Two Toed Ping: Oh, right. So, what's it like dating the Avatar?

Mako sighs in annoyance, turning his head.

Two-Toed Ping: Come on, Mako, I gotta know.

Mako: One I’m not dating the Avatar, someone else is and stay focused!

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