♧Out of the Past: Part 2♧

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Book One

Chapter Nine
🌬Out of the Past☁️



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All four teens and both adults were walking in the underground place of the equalist.

Mako: Where are we...? And how do you know this?

Now questioning the male who was walking rather calmy but what makes this even more suspicious is how he knows all the routes of this.

Y/N: You will fucking stop integrating me!? It's getting annoying and I can't foucs!

Raising his voice at Mako which made him and the others look before hesitating to follow him.

As they reach somewhere of a train track as Bolin pointed out making Y/N get closer to it.

Asami: Which way now?

Y/N: Hm? Oh, should be this way.

As everyone got closer, Bolin hinted that it smelled familiar. Pushing Bolin back, Y/N stepped forward, as he placed his hand trying to find the wheel that makes the gate open. Finding the wheel he stepped back twisting his hand but this alsoakes the wheel spin as well.

The gate opened making Bolin in shock, and surprising the others.

Asami: I did know you could metalbend. I thought, you were a non-bender like me...

Turning he just looked away before walking once again.

Lin: Motorcycle tracks.

Mako: Korra has to be in there... somewhere.

Lin metalbends the gate open. Cut to the group walking into an intersection of tunnels. Mako uses firebending to light the way.

Mako: Let's try this way.

Asami: And what if Korra's not down there?

Mako: Then we pick another tunnel until we find her!

This hurted Asami emotionally from the way he responded to her question.

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