Chapter 1

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"The Black Reaper (nigrum messorem) is one of the worlds most dangerous snakes. Known to strangle and eat things 10 times it's size and still look for more. Luckily these dangerous snakes can be domesticated and tamed but most would not advise to try and domesticate one. They can be dangerous and unpredictable so use caution when approaching or owning this exotic snake. Side note the naga version of The Black Reaper can be just as if not even more dangerous than it's normal snake counter part use caution." -snake expert media.

"Well that's absolutely no help!" A glitchy voice exclaimed.

That glitchy voice belonged to a skeleton named error. And he was getting no help on how to take care of his new pet. Said pet was wrapped around his body and hugging error snuggly.

"What am I even supposed to do with you? I don't know how to keep a pet naga! Much less a Black Reaper! (This snake is not an actual snake I just made it up for the book)." Error yelled. His new pet looked up at him quizzically nuzzled it's head into his shoulder and kept hugging him.

Error sighed and started to contact some of his friends who he knew had nagas. The first one he was going to call is his EX boyfriend Ink.

"Hey ink I know we haven't talked in a while."

"I know error and I told you that I moved on why are you calling me?"

"I got stuck with this naga and I need someone to take care of it"

"Error I have my hands full with blue he might be twice my size but he can still cause a lot of trouble."

"Well alright thanks anyways."

And he hung up. After a few more calls with more or less the same results as inks phone call error notices something. His new pet was gripping onto error tighter with its tail tightly wrapped around his legs.

"Hey why are you hugging so tight? What's wrong?" Error asked. The naga looked up at him and gave a gentle hiss before un-curling from error and sitting in front of the door. The snake looked back at Error small tears in its eyes threatening to fall.

Error sat up in alarm just a few seconds after the naga looked away. "What's wrong? Why are you crying?" Error asked. The naga slithered over tapped the phone and pointed at the door. After a few minutes error realized that it was trying to talk.

Error rushed to the closet and pulled out some old crayons with some construction paper. "Use the crayons to tell me what's going on ok?" Error said. The naga nodded picked up the crayon and started to draw.

It drew a phone then it drew error talking on the phone. Soon it drew speech bubbles that showed the naga being given to someone else. Then it drew an arrow to a blank spot in the paper it started to draw the naga being handed back to the pet shop error had shut down yesterday.

The naga dropped the crayon tears streaming down its face and landing on the paper. Just a few seconds later Error realized what the naga was saying. "You don't want to be given up again." Error muttered.

The naga shakily nodded and looked away. Error kind of felt bad for the naga. As a Black Reaper it must have been returned a lot. "Alright then naga I'll keep you around." Error said while standing up.

The naga looked at him shock and joy filling it's eyes. The naga nodded quickly over and over it then hugged errors legs tightly. Error gave a small smile. "Now what gender are you?" Error asked.

The naga graves the crayon and made a male gender sign on the paper. "Well I guess I should name you huh?" Error said as he sat down.

"How about reaper?" He asked. The newly pronounced Reaper nodded his head happily and hugged error tightly.

673 words

How did this happen? (Error X Reaper sans)Where stories live. Discover now