Chapter 9

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servampfan174 partytimegirl and all of my readers Thank you for being with me through this journey if you'd like I can let you know when the first chapter of my next book comes out so you can enjoy reading the next adventure.

It had been a month or so since Error had become bedridden and he was starting to get antsy. "Reaper I'm not that frail! I can at least go down to the kitchen!" Error shouted. Reaper gave a disapproving hiss and put his mate back in bed.

Error huffed and tried to get out of bed once again but to no avail. "Mate rest! Stay! I get what you want! Stay in bed!" Reaper hissed. Error huffed and faced the other direction away from Reaper. The naga sighed and cuddled his mate. "Just a little more mate then you have fun again!" Reaper said happily. Error didn't respond, it was one of Errors famous fits where he didn't want to Reaper for an unknown amount of time. Sometimes it was a few minutes sometimes it was an hour or even a day, once Error didn't talk to Reaper for a week.

But when Error did start talking to Reaper after the week long no talking incident Reaper cried for hours and let Error wander around for a while. And later Error gave Reaper some cuddles to make up for it. But back to the present Error is throwing a tantrum again and won't talk to Reaper whatsoever. Reaper just learned that eventually Error has to talk to him again so he just waits it out.

"I wanted a peanut butter pickle sandwich..." Error muttered. Reaper smiled and went down to the kitchen and made his mate a peanut butter pickle sandwich. His mate always seemed to crave strange food combos recently. Reaper wasn't sure if it was a monster thing when they were egg heavy or if this was normal for all species including nagas.

But Reaper made the sandwich and gave it to his grumpy mate who ate it in seconds. Error smiled and hugged Reaper tightly seeming to never want to let go.

~———————a few years later—————-——~

"Extinction! Come here sweetie! Time to go home!" Error yelled. The young child ran to his mother and hugged her tightly. "Mom! I had so much fun playing with the other kids today!" Extinction cheered. Error smiled and kissed his child's forehead gently before his face was shoved away with a dirt covered hand.

Reaper came up behind the young child and hugged him and Error tightly. "Reaper I told you bringing him to the park would be a good experience." Error pointed out smugly. Reaper hissed and snuggled into his family even more. Luckily they lived a couple blocks down from the park so they could walk to the park and back home every day if they wanted.

"Mom? Why don't I have any siblings? Like mr.Cross and mr. Nightmare's kids?" Extinction asked. Error surprised by the question simply said "well your father and I only had you and your more than enough for us."

His child smiled and ran to his room to go play and eventually break something and try to lie about it. "Are we going to tell him the real answer mate?" Reaper asked. Error shook his head and sighed. "Maybe when he's older he's still too young to know that the others didn't make it." Error replied. Reaper slithered into the kitchen and turned on the coffee pot while his mate turned on the T.V and picked out a movie for them to watch.

Extinction walked down the stairs and hour later to plop on the floor in front of the T.V and watch the movie with them. Often Error and Reaper had to change the movie from something more adult oriented to something more kid friendly. "Mom?" Extinction asked. "Yes my darling?" Error replied. "Why didn't you tell me my siblings didn't make it?" Extinction asked.

Error and Reaper just sat there stunned and looking at their 8 year old. "Sweetie we didn't think that you were old enough to know." Error said. Extinction huffed and looked away from his parents. "I wanna know the real reason!" He grumbled. "That is the real reason Extinction. You were the only one who made it the others didn't have enough enough magic or-" Reaper was cut off by a hand over his mouth. "Reaper, my mate you were going over board again." Error said in a calm tone. Reaper deflated and snuggled against his mate a sad look stained onto his face.

"Is that true mom? Am I the only one who made it?" Extinction asked. Error nodded sadly and pet Reapers head while he cried into Errors shoulder. "Hey mom?" Extinction asked. Error only looked at his child tears threatening to spill from his sockets. "Can we have pizza for dinner?" His child asked as if his parents weren't having an emotional breakdown right in front of him.

Error just looked at his son stunned at the simplicity in the statement as if this was just a regular day for them. Error smiled and laughed "sure, where do you want it from my dear?" Error asked. Of course his child wanted it from the local place Tony's one of the few places that had amazing pizza and was decently cheap. So when Error managed to get Reaper to calm down they went to Tony's.

They ordered the regular one they always get and it was a pretty good day all things considered. Everything was perfect.

The End

935 Words

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