Chapter 6

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Reaper knew that he got bigger. He knew that his owner was now smaller than him and slightly afraid. But he had nothing to be afraid of. Reaper was going to take excellent care of him no matter what happened. And speaking of his owner he was sleeping peacefully in his coils.

"Error..." Reaper whispered. Reaper knew that Error would wake up in a few hours but how could Error only sleep for that long during brumation? So Reaper had an idea to keep his owner asleep for the entire brumation period, with a sleeping potion. Which Reaper just so happened to steal from the store the last time Error took him there. He read the instructions and the entire potion could keep a single person asleep for 4 whole months. (Give or take).

So he opened Errors mouth and poured the entire potion down Errors throat. Error did wake up a little half way through pouring the potion but he quickly fell back asleep. Reaper finished pouring the potion and tossed the glass bottle away. He arranged all of the other blankets from the plastic bucket to cover them and keep them warm.

And Reaper fell asleep.

(5ish months later)

Horror was relaxing on the couch in Errors living room. But why was he there? He was house sitting. Error had asked him to watch his house while he stayed with and accompanied his naga during brumation. Horrors naga, Dust had gotten a lot more active since it was nearing spring time. Which also meant that Error and Reaper would be back soon. It was near the evening and Horror was cooking up one of his favorite dishes. Carbonara. Dust seemed to love it as well so he always made extra for him.

It was nearing the end of March and it was decently warm outside. Error had also mentioned to not go into the basement due to it not being fully finished. So he and Dust left the basement well alone. But just as he sat down and was filling Dusts plate with a healthy serving of carbonara. Suddenly a loud sound was heard from the basement. Dust slithered under the couch and glared at the basement door. Horror on the other hand stood up grabbed a metal spatula and went down into the basement.

Where he saw the cause of the noise. It was Reaper and he had just woken up from brumation. But a smaller sound was heard as well. "ERROR!" Horror yelled before running to the edge of the hole and trying to find the skeleton among the mass of blankets and insulation. Reaper bolted up and protectively blocked Horrors view. "No h-hurt... pretty Error..!" Reaper snapped. Horror was in awe. Error had mentioned rats in his text and Horror knew they were the kind the core made from its explosion causing many things to be infused with magic.

Horrors guess was that Reaper had eaten those rats and gotten a lot bigger and gained the ability to talk. "I won't hurt him Reaper I just want to help him. Monsters aren't meant to sleep as long as nagas do. It can cause excess magic build up and health problems is they stay asleep for too long." Horror calmly explained to the naga who looked to have gotten 2 times bigger from when he had last seen Reaper. Reaper then backed off and put Error on the ground next to Horror. Then Horror a small hiss from behind him it was Dust.

"Dusty what are you doing here I thought you were too afraid to come down here?" Horror asked his tone still as gentle as ever. Dust then went over to Reaper and hissed at him but the hiss didn't sound threatening or mean it just sounded curious. Reaper nodded and handed Dust a small bag of something. Dust then slithered under the not yet complete stairs and started to unwrap the bag. I was just about to watch when I heard a mumble from next to me. "What...? What happened why is it so cold now..." Error muttered. Horror gave a small smile and picked Error up. "Come on Error let's get you upstairs I made some food you can eat." Horror said.

So Horror carried Error upstairs and sat him in the chair next to dusts. The pasta was getting cold so with a sigh Horror put the pot back on the stove and turned up the heat. Error was starting to fall back asleep again but Horror kept him awake by talking to him and making his magic fully wake up. When the smell of the carbonara was just starting to waft through the house Dust finally came up from the basement.

"Hey Dust ready for some carbonara? I had to put your pasta back into the pot since it had gotten cold by the time I came back up." Horror said. At this point Error was mostly awake but still a little drowsy. As soon as the food was finished Horror gave everyone a nice equal portion. Error's eye sockets lit up when he tasted the pasta. Dust ate more slowly than normal but Horror just figured that Dust ate some mice that were in the bag that Reaper gave him so he was already a little full.

Horror patted Dusts head and kissed his forehead. Dust blushes in return and licks horrors hand happily. Horror laughed and went back to eating. Error was fully awake and happily eating the pasta dish but he kept looking at the open door of the basement. It was like he was waiting for something or someone to come out. Horror said goodbye to the fully awake Error and took Dust back home who was sleeping quite soundly in his arms huddled next to Horrors body for as much warmth as he could get.

It was around the middle of the night when Horror felt a large weight press into the bed. His eye snapped open and looked at the person on his bed. But it wasn't a person it was a naga. His naga. "Dust what are you doing? It's almost 3 am." Horror groaned annoyed that his peaceful sleep was interrupted. Dust just looked back his purple, red and blue eyelights staring into Horrors soul. "Dust go back to bed... wait... when did you get so large? Did you molt? What happened?" Horror asked. Dust sat up and he was just a foot shorter of Reaper but still a very large naga.

"Ho...rr..or.. Horr..or... Horror... p-perf-fect Horror..." Dust stammered out. Horror was taken back by his nagas ability to speak. Then it dawned on him. "Magic infused rats were in that bag Reaper gave you..." Horror said gently. Dust nodded and laid on top of Horror taking in his owners warmth. Dust then fell asleep on top of Horror. It was a little bit difficult to get back to sleep. I imagine it would be hard to sleep when a large naga is laying on top of you after all.

But after a while Horror did manage to sleep with his large naga cuddling him. And for Error and Reaper? Well Error and Reaper had a nice night sleeping together in Errors warm bed.

1218 Words

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