Chapter 5

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It was nearing winter where Error lived. Normally he would turn up the heat and just relax. He would watch the snow peacefully fall while sipping on some hot chocolate and watch a Christmas movie. All wrapped up in blankets being cozy and warm.

But this winter wasn't like normal. "Reaper stop stealing all of the blankets!" Error yelled. Because this winter was quite the contrary. Ever since Error got Reaper things have been different. His pillows and blankets all seemed to disappear at the first sight of snow. And who were they taken by? Well it was Errors new naga Reaper. Why did he do it? Well it was simple instinct. He needed to collect all of the soft and warm material needed for a nest.

Error wasn't all too thrilled when he found that Reaper had made a large nest right in front of the heater. Now Error did try to move the blankets back to their designated spots. But after a quick walk he saw that all of the blankets have been moved back to the nest. But Reaper also took the pillows too. Most likely out of spite for Error ruining Reapers nest.

Error decided that fighting over the blankets wouldn't be worth it for the few months winter was going to stay. So Error went out to yard sales and garage sales to find some used blankets Reaper could use. And at one of the yard sales he saw that it was being run by someone he didn't expect.

"Why hello horror I haven't seen you in a while." Error greeted the large skeleton. Horror looked up and saw Error standing there with an awkward grin. "Good to see ya Error... Where's your naga? Is he getting ready for brumation already?" Horror asked. Error nodded and looked around. "Selling any blankets? Reaper stole all of my good ones so I'm trying to buy as many as I can so I can give those to him instead." Error replied.

"Blankets are next to the used sweaters on that rack over there. And trust me I've been there dust dust the same thing when I got him." Horror said with a chuckle. Error gave a small laugh in return and looked for the warmest blankets he could find. "Error if you'd like you can just have all of them. I don't need them and dust found out the wonders of sleeping in the kitchen so you can take all the blankets you want." Horror said.

Error bought the entire bucket of blankets and headed home. When Error got home things seemed just a little too quiet. And just as he thought something was up. The basement door was open. Now this basement was anything but finished. there were still walls that hadn't been sealed off and installation was slowly out of the nooks and crannies. And the floor was still dirt it hadn't been sealed off with concrete yet and Error never really had the time or money to finish the basement.

Error ran down those stairs faster than he ever thought he could run. With the large bucket of blankets stuffed to the point of breaking. But the plastic bucket was still in hand. When he got to the floor he saw a large hole had been dug in the middle of it. He also noticed that all of the insulation was taken out of all of the designated nooks and crannies. Where was it? It was in the large hole that Reaper had dug. And where was Reaper? He was sleeping on the insulation in the large hole.

Now another reason why Error never went into the basement is because of the rats. Not just your regular small wild rats no these rats were the size of a Chihuahua. They were rats infused with magic from the explosions the core that happened just a few years before Error was born. But for some reason those giant rats where nowhere to be seen.

Error put the bucket next to the hole and was about to walk off when he heard a large grumble. He turned around to see Reaper sitting up and watching him. "Hi Reaper I just came to drop off some blankets for your nest." Error said. He turned back around and just as he was about to step on the stairs he was grabbed by something and dragged into the hole.

When Error opened his eyes he saw Reaper. But not the medium or rather regular sized Reaper he was used to. No. He saw a very large naga one that could easily swallow him whole. "E...Error..." Reaper struggled to get out. Error was shocked. His naga was talking to him. Error quickly searched up 'Can large nagas talk?' And to his dismay and slight horror. Yes they can. But only if they consume enough magic. And then it dawned on Error that Reaper must have eaten the rats and when he ate the rats he consumed their magic as well.

Reaper nuzzled Errors skull with his and forced Error into the warm and protective coils of his tail. "P-pretty Error... p-protect pretty E-Error... m-my Error..." Reaper stuttered out. But Error was in too much of a daze to register what Reaper just said. While Error was in a daze Reaper just grabbed the blankets and put them on top of him and Error. When Error finally recovered from his shock he did some more research on how much nagas can talk.

If your naga consumes so much magic it grows large and has the ability to talk your probably wondering "what do I do!" Well that's why I'm here to answer that for you. Large nagas like that can only speak in simple and more often than not broken sentences. The large nagas also feel a more overwhelming urge to take care of their owners/mates. That urge can also be stronger during-

Error didn't want to finish that last part. But the article did bring a small amount of comfort to Error. Reaper slightly stirred and grabbed Errors phone and moves it out of reach from his owner. Now normally Error would just stand up and go get the phone. But since he's trapped in Reapers coils all he can do is to relax in the large nagas grip.

And soon Error finally falls asleep much to Reapers delight. The large naga gently rubs Errors head and watches his owner slowly breath and sink into Reapers coils. To reaper everything was as perfect as it could be. And soon he too fell asleep.

1107 Words

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