Chapter 7

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Slight lime warning, similar to chapter 4. Don't like? Don't read simple as that

"Reaper I told you that I have to get some work done! I'll cuddle later!" An annoyed Error shouted. Reaper frowned and just nuzzled into Error even more. "My Error... I protact... I keep safe..." Reaper murmured. Error sighed in defeat and sat on the couch with Reaper and started to do his work on his laptop.

It took a few minutes but Error realized that Reaper had said a word wrong. "It's protect Reaper not 'protact'" Error corrected. Reaper gave a half hearted hiss and tightened his coils around Error. Error gave a grunt to the sudden pressure around his body but ended up relaxing into his nagas coils anyways.

It was about  a month later when the weather started to finally be consistent again. Warm weather and no more snow. But there was another problem now that the weather was getting warmer.

"Reaper! I told you I'm full I don't need anymore food!"

It was Reaper. Ever since it got warmer Reaper started to get even more squirrelly especially about Errors weight. "Too thin... need lots of energy..." Reaper said. He seemed to be saying that phrase a lot these days but it was still a mystery why.

Reaper eventually gave up and slithered back onto the couch. When Error suddenly got a call from Dream. Error picked up of course but it wasnt the deceptively cheery voice he was used too. No. What he heard were a series of hisses.

"Reaper can you translate please." Error asked. Reaper nodded and slithered over to the phone and Error put it on speaker.


"I need help..."


"This is K-Kil-lle-r by the wa-way!"


"I d-de-decid-ded that Cross should get N-nigh-tma-re."


"But now I don't have a m-mate..."

Error was shocked at how well Reaper had translated. "Ok Reaper can you tell Killer that 'ok we will help you get a mate' can you tell him that?" Error asked. Reaper gave a quick nod and hissed something into the phone. "He wants n-na-g-ga p-potin!" Reaper said with a large amount of enthusiasm.

Error smiled and nodded and gave a thumbs up. Reaper hissed into the phone again and with a returning hiss the call ended. Error sighed and hugged Reaper. "Your doing so well Reaper it's been just a few weeks and you can already say a few complex words!" Error congratulated. Reaper seemed quite happy with the praise.

Error and Reaper got the potion and gave it to killer by disguising it as a bottle of mouse wine. Something that Dream had said that he wanted to try getting for Killer. And so Error knocked on the door and luckily it opened.

"Hey dream how are you?"

"I'm doing quite well Error! But may I ask what your doing here?"

"Oh well I was at the store and saw some of that mouse wine you said you wanted to give to Killer. So I decided to give it as a gift I also bought Reaper a bottle to see how he likes it."

"Oh what a wonderful idea Error! Thank you for the mouse wine I'll give it to Killer right away! Thank you once again!"

And with that Killer had the potion.


It had been a while since Killer had called Reaper and his human Error. "Are you sure this is even going to work Kills? I mean we could just share Nighty!" His new companion Cross shouted. Killer just shot Cross a very annoyed look and turned away. "I'm sure it will work Crossy! It worked with nightmare why wouldn't it work for Dream?"

How did this happen? (Error X Reaper sans)Where stories live. Discover now