Chapter 2

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It had been about a day since the newly named reaper started living in errors home. And error still had no idea how to take care of a snake. He knew that nagas ate mice but he didn't know what kind. He didn't know wether they liked to hunt or if it would be better to buy frozen.

He looked up 'how to take care of a black reaper' on the internet. But there was nothing! Nothing except for articles on how to properly hand one over to a zoo keeper or how to properly put one down.

So error decided to make his own blog talking about how to properly take care of a Black Reaper. He also decided to join some snake advice groups. Just to get a better idea on how to take care of a Black Reaper or any snake for that matter.

"Reaper please stop trying to grab my laptop I'm trying to work." Error sighed. Reaper had been extremely clingy ever since Error gave him a name. He guessed that giving Reaper a proper name was the point of no return.

The naga just hissed and tried even harder to get rid of the laptop Error was working on. "Reaper stop trying to take my laptop I need to work." Error said with an annoyed sigh.

Reaper finally settled down and fell asleep on Error. The next day Error took Reaper to a pet store to buy him a collar. It was the law in the country he lived in that all pets must wear a collar. No exceptions.

Error was holding Reaper in his arms so no one would freak out about the large Black Reaper. Error then picked out a nice deep blue collar and leash for Reaper. He then payed for the items and bought a tag in the shape of a skull with the name 'Reaper' engraved on the metal.

Just a few seconds after putting the name tag on the collar he put said collar on Reaper. Of course Reaper protested and tried to rip it off. But to no avail.

Error put the leash on Reapers new Collar and led him to the car. On the way to the car error noticed that reaper was moving slowly. And when he looked closer Reaper was shivering. Error felt kind of bad for the naga after all nagas did thrive in warm humid environments.

On the way home Error stopped at a number or yard sales to try and find something to keep reaper warm. At the last one he looked at he found a reaper cloak that looked to be in almost perfect condition. "Excuse me miss how much is this cloak?" Error asked.

"Oh that old thing? Don't even worry about it it's free." The lady said with a small smile on her face. Error thanked her and went back to the car only to see Reaper curled up and shivering in the back seat.

Error drove home as fast as he could to get his naga into his new cloak. Error carried Reaper in his arms to the door with the cloak in his hand. Error set reaper down in front of the heater and wrapped him in blankets.


Reaper woke up slowly. It felt like a small eternity that he was in his deep sleep. Reaper didn't want to move at all he felt so comfortable and warm. But eventually he decided to move away from the warm air device to go find his favorite heat source and current owner.

"ERROR!" Reaper yelled. And seconds later Error walked in looking quite unamused. "Reaper why did you hiss like that you gave me a heart attack!" His owner half yelled. Reaper didn't care if he was angry or not because he was sure that error would calm down soon.

And just like Reaper thought he did. Reaper coiled around his owner and relaxed. "I'm sorry I made you go out there Reaper. But now that your all warmed up I got you something." His lovely owner said.

Reaper sat up almost instantly in excitement and he noticed that his tail was starting to wag. He closed his eyes when his owner told him too and soon he felt something nice and warm put over his body. When he opened his eyes he saw that it was a reaper cloak!

"Now don't be too rough with it Reaper I had to sew up the place where the arms where so that it would fit you better." His owner said while petting his head. Reaper nodded vigorously and went to go slither around and have fun with his new clothes.

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How did this happen? (Error X Reaper sans)Where stories live. Discover now