Chapter 2

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Dejounte Murray|25
September 30th

"Kinsley please hurry up princess we have to go now," Dejounte told his daughter who was running wildly around the hotel room.

They had went on a business trip to North Carolina for a few days. Today was the day they were going to be leaving.

Kinsley had been giving him hell all morning.

"But daddy," she sighed slapping her legs as she stomped her foot.

"Madison, let's go," he spoke sternly. Kinsley pouted but gathered her things noticing the seriousness in his tone. He rarely got serious with her but the times he did was always necessary.

After a while the 2 were on the jet flying back to ATL.

"Ooh daddy can I see Destiny again? She's really nice," Kinsley spoke up, she had been talking about Destiny the entire trip. Dejounte had promised his daughter he'd book another appointment so she could see her.

"Not today princess," he told his daughter and she sighed.

"Why not dada? You said we can," she pouted.

"She has other people hair to do, plus you just got your hair done baby girl. We can go another time," he told his daughter and she sighed but nodded.

It was around 5 at night when they landed in Atlanta, Dejounte dropped Kinsley off to his mother house and headed off to practice.

Tonight he had a open practice with a few guys from the team. They had planned it themselves so they could get the exposure.

He was dressed in some black basketball shorts and a white fitted shirt that had his name on the back. He grabbed his bag out his passenger seat before heading up to the front door.

Once he walked inside it wasn't as packed as he thought it would have been. It was just under 90 or so people inside. He was glad it wasn't that many people, he wasn't in a social mood and was very exhausted.

He saw his boys off to the side just bouncing the ball. He made his way over to them and sat his bag down. He changed into his shoes and stood up to start some warmups.

He shot a 3 pointer shot and made it with ease, his ball bounced off and ended up by the court side seats. As he made his way over toward the ball he seen somebody pick it.

"Here you go," Destiny smiled bouncing the ball over to him, he caught it easily. He was surprised to see Destiny.

"Oh hey," she smiled as he walked over in front of her.

"Wassup, what you doing here?" He asked her and she shrugged.

"My friend boyfriend plays with you so she sort of dragged me out tonight." She told him and he nodded.

"Mmm youn look like you having fun," he raised his eyebrow and she shrugged.

"I'm not, I don't know a damn thing about basketball," she shook her head causing them to both chuckle.

"You bored?" He asked sitting in the empty chair next to her.

"A little bit, she just walked off to her boyfriend so." She shrugged her shoulders.

"Imma make sure you enjoy yo self then," he told her and she nodded.

"Mhm," she smiled softly at him, he looked at her with a slight smirk causing her to look away at the court.

"You got plans after this?" He asked her and she nodded.

"Go home and sleep," she smiled and he chuckled bouncing the ball under his legs, he was still seated.

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