Chapter 3

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Destiny Bailey|23
October 4th

"Get out bruh I hate y'all," Destiny shook her head laughing at her friends. They had come over earlier and had so much gossip about their men of the week.

"No for real tho, like who says shit like that?" Alexis mugged taking a sip of her champagne.

Destiny and Alexis had met each other back in middle school, Alexis was a grade above Destiny. They used to get on the bus with each other and Destiny got on the bus first, she had her backpack seated next to her and Alexis asked to sit there. Destiny moved her bag and next thing they knew the 2 were calling each other best friend.

"Niggas is wild," Yanni shook her head, "well mine ain't, he's perfect, but y'all niggas is wild" she smiled adoringly causing both girls to roll their eyes at the same time.

"Speaking of niggas, what's up wit you and #5?" Yanni smirked causing Destiny to roll her eyes standing from her seat. Destiny and Dejounte had been talking a lot lately, both in person and over the phone. She wasn't surprised her friends was asking about him.

Destiny enjoyed his company, it was nothing serious. Strictly platonic, he was sweet and definitely her type, but she wasn't looking for anything.

Plus she adored Kinsley, the young girl was such a sweetheart.

"Umm, mind y'all business," Destiny told them standing from her seat on the couch. She walked over to her island and grabbed her lighter.

"Unt unt skip that. What y'all got going on?" Lexi smirked sipping on her glass of Pink champagne.

Destiny ignored them as she lit her strawberry pound cake candle from bath and body works that was on her coffee table, she sat it down and placed the lighter on ghe table.

"Never is she tryna distract herself like she don't hear us talking to her," Yanni shook her head and Lexi nodded in agreement.

"We are just talking right now y'all, and not even on that level. That is my friend, strictly platonic," Destiny explained waving them off.

"Girl that's exactly what I was telling my ex nigga when me and Ke was talking, now look at us," Yanni said causing them all to laugh.

"Whatever, to me it gives relationship," Lexis shrugged doing the yikes face, "y'all cute tho, i like it," she smiled and Destiny rolled her eyes with a small smile.

"Never even met the man," Destiny sat back down on the couch.

"I got my ways," Lexis shrugged her shoulders looking at her friend.

"No but on some real stuff, how serious are you about Ke?" Dess swiftly switched the conversation looking at her Yan.

"Y'all I actually like this one, no game, no funny shit. Like at first i was still doing me. But surprisingly i dropped all my other dudes and been vibing with him, it's something about him that i just like, a lot. Maybe it's the money, who knows," she shrugged with a dramatic sigh.

"Your fucking sick," Dess laughed loudly.

"You need your ass whooped," Lexis shocked her head at Yan, she just sighed looking at her friends. She felt very defeated in what she wanted to do.

Destiny Bailey| 23
October 5th

"Come on bruh," Dejounte shook his head as Destiny threw her head back in laughter. She had been laughing at him for the past few minutes.

They had been having a disagreement about the Earth being flat or not, he was upset because she did not agree with him.

"No i don't get why your so upset," she laughed as she continued her walk with him. They were currently at the park taking a night stroll. It was Friday night and neither of them had anything to do, Kinsley was at his sister house staying the night for the weekend.

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