Chapter 6

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Destiny Bailey |23
October 30th

"Ok I'm scared but I'm super excited," Destiny smiled as her heart began to beat wildly in her chest. Today was the day they'd be launching her website for the second time.

She and all her employees were in her office waiting for everything to go down. She was on live waiting impatiently for the clock to strike 4:00pm. She chose 4 o'clock because it has always been her lucky number for as long as she could remember.

It was now 3:50 and there was 10 minutes left, Destiny had been up since 6 this morning planning everything.

"Girl I'm shitting bricks right now," her makeup artist Cydney spoke up bouncing her legs.

"I can hear my heart beating," Destiny chuckled looking at her live. She felt her other phone go off and grabbed it, she smiled seeing that it was Dejounte texting her.


Me and Kinsley
screaming goodluck

thank you guys sooo much

She smiled closing out on the thread as the clock hit 3:59.

"Ok y'all the countdown is starting," Destiny yelled grabbing her water to take a sip.

They began to count down in the last 10 seconds, Dira pressed the launch button just as the clock striked 4 on the dot.

They watched on the large screen as the numbers went up wildly.

"Ok y'all leaving for the website, so I'm gonna close out on this. Love you guys so much," Destiny ended the live video. She watched in amazement as her site did great numbers.

She was already at 300 purchases and it was only 4:05, she shook her head with a huge smile on her face as she called her mother.

"Hey baby," her mother answered the phone.

"Mommy, the website is doing so good," she spoke as soon as her mother answered the phone.

"I'm very glad babygirl, me and your father is so proud of you. Never ever forget that." Her mother smiled.

"I love yall so much," Destiny smiled. They spent a good hour on the phone with another.


Destiny ran her fingers through her hair for the 10th time as she straightened her closure.

"Hurry yo ass up," Dejounte mugged walking in her room, Destiny looked at him through his mirror.

"You can't rush perfection," she rolled her eyes. She grabbed her phone before she walked out his bathroom.

"Ooh you look pretty, do I look pretty Dessi?" Kinsley asked flipping her hair over her shoulder.

"You look very pretty baby, I love your outfit. Who picked it out for you?" Destiny asked her.

"I picked it out because daddy let me," she smiled excitedly.

"You did really good sweetness you look adorable," Destiny smiled fluffing out Kinsley hair. She had straightened Kinsley hair 2 nights ago, but it had already began puffing up.

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