Chapter 29

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"What's its name going to be?" Steve asked

They all sat around me on the floor with the dog.

"Chula it's name is chula" I smiled

"Where did that come from?" Eddie asked

"It means beautiful in Spanish" I smiled

"Cute I think she likes it" billy said

"Thank you guys so much" I smiled and kissed them

"Anything to make you smile again love" billy said

"Hey my idea to get it" Eddie said

"It was our idea" Steve argued

"Come on chula let's let them argue and we're going to watch some TV" I said picking the dog up as they argued

"Don't worry about them they will get over it and love you too, our little baby okay" i said sitting down the dog in my lap after it gave me kisses

I noticed her watching the TV with me when the boys rushed downstairs.

"You scared us" Eddie said

"Me and the child wanted to watch TV" I smiled at how chula was watching the TV

"Wait it's watching tv like actually watching the screen" Steve said

"Yep she likes it" i smiled and took a bite of my sandwich

"Hey I want a sandwich too" billy whined

"Foods in the fridge handsome" I smiled

"Maybe the dog was a bad idea" Eddie pouted

"She has ears Ed's" i said

"Bark bark" chula barked

"See she agrees with me" i smiled

"Hey at least she's smiling again" Steve said and kissed me softly

"The baby Steve" i said holding chula up so he could kiss her

"Your such a child" Steve said rolling his eyes and kissed the dog who then kissed back

"Eww it licked me" Steve pouted

"Billyyyyyy" I said holding chula out

"One kiss" billy said and kissed the dog

"EDDIE WHERE ARE YOU" I called out

"Kitchen looking for food" he called back

"Chula wants a kiss" i said holding out her once more

"Hey baby" he said and kissed chula

"See Eddie understands" I said and snuggled my new dog

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