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He wasn't quite ready to let go of his hope that they would find their way back to earth soon. With this rattling around his head, he wasn't prepared to start settling as quickly as Rose seemed to want to. He understood the need to ensure that their food supply didn't run out. But it didn't mean he liked it.

"For now, at least. When we find out more about when each hour the sun is where, and when sunset and sunrise are, we will adapt it all." Rose stated as best as she could.

She wanted to curl up back in her bed and ignore all the issues that needed to be addressed. To go into the corner of her mind where she could still pretend, she was still on earth. That the reset never happened. With her brother about to walk into her room just to disturb her peace at any minute. Rose shook her head getting the thoughts out.

Walking upwards, Rose wasn't so sure how she would quickly find out how well the plants would survive outside; She decided it would be best to walk round in a circle to find out If there was any soil close to where they were.

That should help a bit in working it out. Rose let out a soft huff as she entered through the entrance of the hut into the fading sunlight.

She had to work quick if she was going to be able to get any work done today. Rose decided she would walk 100 paces away in each direction to make sure it was a fair scope, and that she wouldn't be too far away from the bunker encase something did happen.

Rose couldn't see any soil like consistency as she started walking her paces, turning round to begin being able to go 100 paces in another direction. Rose huffed from annoyance; "I'm never going to find anywhere." Rose snapped at herself.

As she was walking, Rose took note of how empty and sparce the environment really was. She hadn't seen sight of an animal or life the entire time. The casual walking began turning into more of a slow stroll.

The heat starting to get the better of her, beads of sweat dripping down the small of her back. When she got back into the bunker, she definitely needed a shower.

"Wait." Rose's hoarse voice was no louder than a whisper.

"What is that." Rose strained her eyes attempting to see what the blurry shape just in the horizon was, it seemed rougher. A slightly different colour from the ground she was stood on.

"Huh." Came the sound out of her slightly parted lips. Rose abandoned her paces going quickly in the direction of the funny ground.

When Rose had nearly reached it, she erupted in a mini dance, her limbs flying in all directions as she gazed upon what she had found. Looking down onto the sight, Rose noted the colours of slight brown and dusty greys.

The uprooted planets ground.

There were many breaks in its surface. It wasn't yet soil. But Rose was sure beyond all doubts that this spot would eventually turn into soil. It would be the perfect place to start building up the mulch pile to help the ground become saturated in nutrients. Rose knew that she would be able to turn it into the soil needed to be able to plant all their crops into.

It was the perfect spot.

The gigantic smile still stretched on her face, almost as if it would never leave, Rose entered back into the bunker. She felt slightly dehydrated, extremely hungry, and very sweaty. Going to the kitchen she got herself a glass of water before heading towards the bathroom to take that much needed shower.

The groan of relief from the water falling over her sore body left Rose as she stood under the spray the shower head spurted. Rose kept going over and over in her head the route she had taken back from the spot, the number of steps it took, how long it seemed to take. So that she would be able to get back there tomorrow.

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