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Hello my lovelies, it's that time again! 

Chapter 10.

Time seemed to pass with no concept of ever being able to go outside again. The futility of survival bleak. Months passing feeling as if it had been an eternity. During this time Rose and Lily had found the journal of the woman that had written the informal letters; documenting down her life's journey from when she had entered the bunker, to her unfortunate death.

The journal talked about how difficult it had been when they had first ventured out into the new world; how many people had died from the weather, as well each other. The starvation and famine they had suffered due to the lack of initiative to plant food before they had left the bunker.

The difficulties of being able to get the food to grow when they had realised, they needed to. She had worried how insane some had gone from trying to stay alive. Scared sickles that she would end the same.

The duty to stay on the surface overbearing from all the tragedies befalling them; how some people had snuck back into the bunker to feel safe. The unnerving stories that had then gone round about how the people that did sneak back in had disappeared from the earth, never to be seen again.

This is what Lily must have been afraid of happening to her. Although this seemed to be myths of what happened to them. They most likely had died from exposure of harsh weather they had to combat after they had wandered away from the group.

John had discovered his passion of cooking. Making new recipes. It was going down a treat with both Lily and Rose, he was finding new ways to present the dishes. It was calming in his soul. Being able to find a purpose down in the bunker.

The indoor garden that Rose had been nurturing had come a long way. With the plants now starting to spurt different types of vegetables and fruits. Colours lighting up the dull world they were now living in. Lily had started to become a lot more comfortable in Rose's presence, almost starting to see her as a mother.

She had been following Rose around for days, starting to dress similarly, working out how she holds herself and thinks. Rose had been enjoying it, it had put more of a bounce in her step, a spark in her heart to keep her warm at night.

On this day, Rose sat re-reading through the diary for the fifth time. But only reading the passages that she felt were important, the ones that stood out. With how they may have to deal with learning to survive themselves; Or to emphasize that they had the easier end, even with no longer being on earth. She tried to amerce herself into the entries, imagining that she was there to witness each event; to feel the hardships and struggles, and give her an idea of how to avoid it all.

She felt the paper in her fingertips, feeling a chill in her spin as she did so. A thrill to hear the adventures of another generation again. Opening the journal to the page she desperately wanted to read. Her eyes darted up and down the page taking it all in.

Day 1-

I have no idea how to write this, but I feel like it will be an important lesson for future generations to come to study other's past experiences with dealing with the reset.

So here it goes.

Day one:

Today there was a lot of panic. The people were counted and documented down who each person was. It was found that there are around 80 of us down here. However, we know that not all of us will make it through this journey.

There seems to be a mixture of hope and devastation. Some families had to be split up into other bunkers, those that have, have had to be sedated.

They couldn't keep calm after being trapped down here for a couple of hours; They just started running around the place, going crazy with worry for the rest. Fear deep into their souls. Trouble set in their eyes. The ramblings of desperation with needing to know how the rest of their family was doing.

As if the prey being hunted.

Today I watched how a young girl started to rip her own hair from her skull through the stress, the mass of people causing panic to the younger ones. It is easy for the younger ones to delve into any pattern of those around them, they don't properly understand what was going around. Just following the crowd mentality. The panic set in that we could be the people that wouldn't survive being on the earth.

This was just our morning.

Things got weirder as the day went on. They calmed down slightly as some became too annoyed with others, so went to have alone time within different rooms. There are many people down here that prefer their own company over others.

I happen to be one of them.

After we all sat down for lunch, we all got told to stay put; that the scientists who had put us all down here, were going to come speak with us. They had decided it was best that they were down in our bunker, rather than any other. This was bizarre behavior in itself. Normally they make it so that they're in the same bunker as politicians.

The important people.

This leads me to the theory that they are here to watch us. Watch our reactions and document them down. Almost if it were an experiment in itself. I have to stop writing now for a while. The scientists are now standing together shushing the room into silence. I feel so curious about what they could have to say.

...That was. Interesting to say in the least. After the room had quietened. The scientists started describing such terrible inhumane things, for example, us down here, being put down here, was an experiment. To find out if the date they predicted, would be the reset of the cycles.

We are trapped, no. Forced to be down in the overcrowded bunker for days. Unable to have personal space. Unable to think without going insane. This is cruel. So cruel. But it got so much worse. After many stood up, shouting, throwing things and starting to cause riots; the scientists made a point of getting people to sedate them, to lock them into one of the rooms.

After they were secure, as if animals being tied up so they wouldn't maim others, they continued with their speeches. They started to illustrate what they had been working on.

All the algorithms that led them to this point. Prancing around from being so proud as they told each and every one of us that they had managed to predict which bunker would be gone this cycle for the new one, and the next after. Gloating about it; saying that if they were correct in their theories with the date, then the rest would be correct as well.

They told us how we were the only ones to know. They hadn't informed anyone else. They didn't believe they were entitled to know.

Those poor people.

Hundreds of people will die because of them. Now we're trapped with the real monsters ourselves.

To whoever ends up reading this, I do hope they end up realizing how wrong they were. To have the guilt eat them alive from the inside out.

I have to stop writing this now, from the disgust of discovering who we are down here with.

I will leave you with one piece of advice. Don't forget that the people you thought you knew, could turn out to be the complete opposite in a dangerous situation, which you will learn now being trapped with them.

The first entry, no matter how many times Rose read it, had the same effect every time.


It was the only word to represent the feeling you felt. Rose was glad that she wasn't trapped down here with so many people or even the people this woman seemed to have been with. It really did make her appreciate John and Lily that little bit more. Reveling in the boredom. It meant no mass panic.  

How did you like this chapter!! And what did you think of the first entry? 

Seems like the boredom might get them if they can't find anything to do soon, I know I would hate it if it were me! *Shudders*

What would you try to combat being so bored? 

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