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Rose stayed behind. Scrutinizing the room, Running her hands along the back of the chair. Her leg going in a circle to get in front of the other. She leant against it briefly. Letting out a sigh, Rose willingly sat in the chair not knowing how long Vin was going to take in getting back. Or even if he had meant for her to follow him.

With no supervision, Rose eventually made her way towards the panels; Eyes darting from each button to the next. She wondered what they all did, and if it all went south, if they could take the ship to get away. Studying the buttons, Rose went to press the one closest to her.

"Don't touch that!" Vin screamed running towards her to slap her fingers away from the control panel.

"What, I was curious." Rose acted innocent, batting her eyelashes as she shrugged her shoulders.

"Common, I've got the stuff. We need to get back to your friend." Vin huffed.

Rose, happy she got out of trouble, stepped everywhere he did so that he couldn't comment on another stunt she pulled.

They soon made it back down in the bunker and in Lily's room. She was now awake and sitting up from the help of Rose and John.

Lily didn't know what to make of the stranger; she wanted Rose to stick close, not wanting to be alone with him. She had heard the explanation of what had happened for him to get there and was warming up slightly from him being so nice. But she knew that trust took time.

Vin was stood at the other end of the room next to the door to give the three of them space. Rose was grateful for this; it gave her time to try and get Lily to drink the bottle. Rose had placed the liquid in a cup. It was an off pale-yellow colour that was odourless.

Lily was reluctant to drink it already. John was glad that they hadn't told her it had come from a Stanger.

"Lily, we keep on going over this, you need to drink the glass. We can't keep on going through this every time. But it's going to help get you better." Rose sighed out to her. She was getting annoyed with Lily always resisting what they gave her.

"Fine, but if I have it. I want leeway in not eating right now." Lily crossed her arms and glared in defiance, those were her terms, and she wouldn't back down from them.

"Okay. I agree. Now will you just drink the glass please?" Rose begged with her hands together in front of her face, almost in prayer.

Lily held her hands out for the glass, Rose complied handing it over. They watched her drink the glass dry before giving it back to Rose's waiting hands.

"Thank you." Rose softly replied.

Rose stroked Lily's hair back out of her face, helping her out of the bed, holding her up. She needed to have time out of bed so she would receive sores from it. Rose had read about it in one of the journal articles about other people who got them from not being out of bed for days at a time.

She supported her full weight. Guiding her through the room as Lily huffed and puffed more from her chest getting worse with the exercise. Rose couldn't help but wince, this was the part she had learnt to hate. As much as she would've loved to tell Lily she didn't have to do it, she knew it was necessary. Plus, Rose knew that it would only be for a couple more days.

Vin had stayed silent throughout the whole exchange. Not getting involved but keeping an eye on what was being done.

John studied him; not taking his eyes off him the whole time, wondering what was going through his mind. John thought that Vin was too mysterious. He would never trust him he decided. No matter if Rose and Lily were starting to. He would protect the two women even if they didn't realise, they needed it.

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