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Rose woke up to a body hovering above hers.

"Aaarrrhhhh" She let out a high-pitched scream.

The shadow was not that of John, she knew that he would be running in at any minute.

Rose pulled the covers up to her chin and bringing her knees up, thinking that this would protect her for now.

It was tall, skinny and seemed menacing. Their shadow loomed over her on the wall next to the bed. Their eyes glowing in the dark. Yellow shining through. The assailant didn't blink.

It felt as if it had been hours until John came into the room turning the light on.

The guy wasn't Vin.

Rose's breaths came out shallow and fast pased, her eyes darting wildly as she attempted to make herself as small as possible to get away from the guy's piecing gaze.

With the light on, his eyes were near pitch black, Short har unruly upon his small frame. Body clad, all in black. He appeared to have leather black gloves on his fingers which were twitching.

Rose's body was shaking violently.

There was a long pause before anyone spoke.

"I'm not here to harm you. I came here as a warning." The guy calmly spoke.

There were no undertones in his voice. It was one pitched, almost rehearsed. His eyes held no remorse for what he had done. His hands stayed by his side but had stopped twitching. Rose didn't believe him one bit about not wanting to hurt her.

"Warn us against what?" John's voice held a hard edge to it; While he was speaking, he had gone over to Rose's side, standing in between her and the new stranger.

"I came to warn you that there was a ship on its way to cause you harm, bring you back to the bad planet so that all there could fight amongst them of who gets each of you." He paused, almost seemingly working out what it is he should say next.

Rose could see his brain working, figuring out what he could say to make them believe him.

"But when I arrived. It looked like I was too late. There was already a ship here. One of their ships. After I saw it, I tried to come down here, after I found the door unlocked, I searched all the rooms and found this woman in here. I had just come in and was about to wake her up to tell her when she turned around and screamed in my face before it could." His voice sounded calculating and cautious.

Rose deep down knew that there only way to get out of this was to pretend as if she believed him. She tugged on John's sleeve to get his attention. Giving him a look to tell him her plan.

"Okay." She said.

"If you want to just wait outside with John, I'll get up and meet you out there." She nodded with her head indicating towards the door.

The sooner they left, the quicker she could get up and far away from Lily's room.

Both Rose and John waited with their bodies tight for their visitor's reaction.

"...Fine..." he eventually, begrudgingly announced.

He leaned on his other foot quickly before turning around, stopping as if he was hesitating about leaving and stalked towards the door. John followed closely behind him, not taking his eyes off him for a second.

Rose found it strange that the person would just walk into their home without ill intent. Even if they were worried about their safety. They could have just positioned themselves outside the hut to wait for the people inside to come out. Or even for the person on the ship to exit.

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