Chapter 35

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By some miracle, the car found traction, and I managed to correct the swerve just in time. The truck roared past me, missing the front of my car by inches. I heard its horn blare one last time before it disappeared into the night, leaving me alone on the deserted road.

My hands were shaking uncontrollably, my knuckles white as I clutched the steering wheel. I could feel my heart pounding in my chest, my breath coming in short, ragged gasps. The adrenaline surged through me, my entire body trembling with the aftershock of what had just happened.

I almost died. The thought echoed in my mind, cold and stark. If I hadn't reacted in time... But I didn't have the luxury of dwelling on it. Eran needed me, and I had to keep going.

Taking a deep breath, I forced myself to calm down, to focus. I couldn't afford any more mistakes. I had to get to Eran, and I had to get there fast.

I eased my foot back on the gas, the car speeding up once more. The near miss had shaken me, but it hadn't deterred me. If anything, it made me more determined. I wasn't going to let anything stop me from finding Eran, from saving him.

The road ahead was dark and empty, the world outside my car a void of shadows. But I kept my eyes fixed on the GPS, willing the distance to shrink, to bring me closer to Eran. I didn't know what I would find when I got there, but I knew one thing for sure: I would get to him. No matter what.

The rest of the drive passed in a blur, my mind focused on nothing but the destination ahead. Every nerve in my body was on edge, every muscle tense with the anticipation of what was to come. The fear was still there, gnawing at the edges of my thoughts, but I pushed it aside, burying it deep.

Finally, the GPS announced that I was close. My pulse quickened, adrenaline coursing through my veins. The fear that had been gnawing at me all night suddenly exploded into full-blown panic.

I turned down a side street, the headlights cutting through the darkness. There were no other cars in sight, just rows of warehouses and old factories. The place was deserted, the air thick with an eerie silence that made my skin crawl.

I slowed as I approached the address Ryan had given me. It was a dilapidated warehouse, the windows shattered, the walls covered in graffiti. I could see a dim light coming from inside, flickering like a dying flame.

My heart pounded in my chest, my breath coming in short, shallow gasps. I parked the car a few yards away, my hands shaking as I fumbled for the door handle. This was it. Whatever I was about to find, it was behind those crumbling walls.

I stepped out of the car, the night air cold against my skin. The silence was deafening, every sound amplified in the stillness. My footsteps echoed as I approached the warehouse, my eyes fixed on the dim light inside.

With each step, the fear grew stronger, threatening to overwhelm me. I was terrified of what I might find, but I had to keep going. I had to find Eran, had to know that he was okay.

But as I reached the door, that last thread of hope snapped. I knew, deep down, that something was very wrong. 

As soon as i stepped in front of the wooden door in front of me, it all seemed very normal. Or had they already silenced him. I ran another shaky hand over my hair and pulled the gun from my back as the cold metal grazed through my waist, leaving a wave of chills in its awake.

I looked around to find some sort of way to break into the house. the house seemed ridiculously sane and normal and as if nothing bad of that sort could ever occur over here. There were three more cars parked into the distance and i had never seen any of these cars before. 

My heart pounded in my chest, and i felt as if i was about to lose my senses. After a while of deciding how to break in, i came to the the conclusion that i wasnt going to be able to do it all alone, because this place looks secured like a fortress. 

So i did, what any normal people would do. I rang the doorbell. 

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