Chapter 46

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The air in my apartment felt heavier than usual as I sat at my desk, staring at the grainy CCTV footage on my laptop screen. My hands were clenched into fists, knuckles white as I fought to keep my emotions in check. I had been watching the same ten seconds of footage on a loop for what felt like hours.

Few days ago, Rose was threatened with a box in her apartment, in her room with a severed finger inside of it and it made my skin crawl thinking of the way how perfectly she got rid of it.

Not going to lie, the idea that someone is still out there who is aware of our sins makes my food crawl up my food pipe and the urge to want to empty my bowels rushes through me. My heart pace increased each time, the same hooded figure entered the frame, a small box clutched in one hand.

Yeah, I knew what is inside that box—a severed finger. How can I ever forget?

The memory of Rose's horrified expression when she opened it replayed in my mind, fueling my determination to find the bastard who had done this.

I took a deep breath and hit play again. The figure moved with purpose, almost casually, as if delivering a normal package. He paused at Rose's door, glancing around briefly before slipping the box under the doorframe. Then, just as quickly, he was gone, blending into the night like a ghost.

Who the hell are you?

I had to find him. For Rose's sake, I couldn't let this slide. Whoever this guy was, he wasn't just some random delivery boy. This was personal, and I was going to make sure he regretted ever messing with her.

I rewound the footage to the moment just before the figure appeared, scanning for any sign of where he had come from. The camera angle wasn't great, but I caught a glimpse of him walking down the street, his face hidden beneath the hood. He turned a corner, disappearing out of view of the camera, but there had to be more cameras along that street. If I could trace his steps, I might be able to find out where he'd come from, or better yet, where he'd gone afterward.

I grabbed my jacket and keys, determination fueling my every move. The night was cold as I stepped outside, but I barely felt it. My mind was focused on one thing: tracking down that guy.

The street was quiet as I walked towards the corner where the figure had turned. My eyes scanned the area, searching for any signs of CCTV cameras. There, just above a small convenience store, I spotted one. It was angled toward the street, likely capturing anyone walking by.

The store was still open, a faint light flickering inside. I pushed the door open, the bell above it jingling as I stepped inside. The cashier, a middle-aged man with a weary expression, looked up from his magazine.

"Can I help you?" he asked, his tone indifferent.

"I hope so," I replied, pulling out my phone and showing him a still from the footage. "This guy was around here recently. Do you mind if I take a look at your CCTV footage? It's important."

The man frowned, glancing at the screen. "What's he done?"

"He left something at a friend's place. I just need to know where he went afterward."

The cashier hesitated, but after a moment, he nodded. "Alright, but make it quick."

I followed him to a small room at the back of the store, where the security system was set up. The man clicked through the footage, stopping at the time I'd indicated. Sure enough, the hooded figure appeared, walking briskly past the store.

"Can you follow him?" I asked, leaning forward.

The cashier nodded, his fingers tapping the keys as he advanced the footage. The figure continued down the street, turning another corner at the end. I made a mental note of the route and thanked the cashier before hurrying back outside.

I walked quickly, my eyes scanning for the next camera. It didn't take long to spot one—this time on the corner of a small bakery. I repeated the process, asking to see their footage. The hooded man's route was becoming clearer now, each camera giving me another piece of the puzzle.

Finally, after what felt like an eternity of tracing his steps, I saw him approach an SUV parked in a dimly lit alleyway. My heart raced as I watched him climb into the driver's seat, the vehicle's license plate briefly visible before he pulled away.

Got you.

I snapped a picture of the plate and immediately started searching for any information I could find. It didn't take long to track down an address associated with the vehicle. My pulse quickened as I realized I was getting closer.

The address led me to a rundown apartment complex on the edge of town. The place was a far cry from the upscale neighborhoods I was used to, with peeling paint and cracked windows. I parked a few blocks away, not wanting to alert anyone to my presence, and made my way toward the building on foot.

My heart pounded in my chest as I approached the door. I wasn't sure what I was expecting—a confrontation, maybe—but I knew I had to be prepared for anything. I pressed the buzzer for the apartment listed under the address I had found, my finger hovering over the button as I braced myself.

I knew that I was rushing it way too much. I should wait for Rose to know what I should do next because God forbid, if thing's don't go the way it is according to her, she will kill me with her own hands.

Cruelty has grown into her as more days passed by. I thought after what happened in her past, and after seeking her revenge she was going to be fine, it actually didn't work out in that way at all. What happened was, it hardened her heart even more and made her fall into some labyrinth of anxiety and stress which she never seems to get out of.

Or maybe she never wanted to.

But that's when Eran came into her life and that was the first time I saw her crack a little bit and tiny displays of affection began to seep through the said crack.

I waited and waited for that door to answer and after a few seconds, there was a crackling sound, followed by a gruff voice. "Who is it?" the second I was about to form an answer, my phone started to buzz with an incoming call from Rose.

I quickly moved from the door and jumped in my car, putting the call pressed to my ear.

"Where are you?" Rose voice came through, curt and curious.

"I actually was following the guy who left that box in your room the other day, and I kind of, might be in front of his doorstep now" I said, brushing my hand over my neck, and started to wait for a scream or yell or a series of curse words to come through.

All I got was a very frustrated sigh and by the rumbles and rustles which came from the call made me anticipate that she was getting out of bed in a rush. And she wasn't happy.

"Wait for me" she says and the call cuts short. 

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 28 ⏰

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