Chapter 2

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     Other than Jasmine, the rest of Jellyfish's friends liked Aconi, who may or may not be her new girlfriend.

    She really couldn't tell. After the kiss two nights ago, and the way she was always touching and the way she spoke to Jellyfish (flirting??), it looked like either they were reallyyy close friends or they were lovers.


    The crew of friends was sitting in the main cave, looking at the crystal clear waves washing up onto the shore. Both Cloudy and Jellyfish had their talons drifting in the water, and Aconi was ducked under Jellyfish's wing.

   "What do we do now?" Bermuda asked, not for the first time. "Now that we've graduated, what now?"

   "Um," Jeweldreamer said. "I don't know."

   Jellyfish sighed. "It sounds dumb, but I almost miss school."

    Bermuda laughed. "I don't. I am bored, though."

    "My head hurts," Jeweldreamer sighed. "I think I hit it when Cloudy and I were wrestling."

    "Yeah...maybe," Cloudy said, yawning. "Any ideas of what to do?"

    "Today or for the rest of our lives?" Jasmine asked.

    "Whatever's on your minds," they said, taking their talons out of the water.

    "Swimming?" Jellyfish suggested.

    "Gross, no," Jeweldreamer said. "I'm quite happy on land."

    In the water, a shape moved. A fish.

   Jellyfish sprang off her talons and dove into the water, dashing after the fat shark that was fumbling around in the water. Her long, thick tail lashed and propelled her into the water, and her four powerful wings pumped in the water.

    The spiky tail was flickering right in front of her, and Jellyfish outstretched her talons, closing in. The tail caught in her claws and she yanked it back and sliced into its neck, and the shark went limp.

    Jellyfish didn't care for the type of shark she caught. She wanted fresh meat. Prey in talons, she swam up to the surface.

   Her friends, about fifty feet away, were watching her with a puzzled expression.

   "Food!" she shouted, but they didn't seem to hear her. Cloudy looked up, and his face changed, and hot air passed over Jellyfish's head.

    Instinctively, she dunked her head under the water and watched through the rolling waves. A big burnt red shape hurtled over her head, its dark wings stretching long and wide.

   A SkyWing. 

   There were not a lot of SkyWings in the caves, living with Jellyfish's survivor group. She didn't know any, but she had seen them all around the tunnels.

    There was about to be one more.

    Jellyfish leaped out of the water, her heart racing. The SkyWing swooped into the main cave, his talons raised. Dragons were running, others were roaring and waving pointy bits at him. Aconi was standing at the water's edge, her talons reaching out towards Jellyfish.

    Their talons briefly touched before Jackpine and Jasmine charged at the SkyWing for a tackle. Jellyfish joined them, her talons tense and ready.

    She crashed into the SkyWing first and saw Jackpine hold back so as to not crush her. Jasmine landed on top of her and then slithered off to hold down the tail and back legs. Now the SkyWing was roaring, and trying to throw off the two. Fearless, her eyes sparkling light lightning, rushed from her tunnel and grabbed the SkyWing's snout firmly in one movement.

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