Chapter 12

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     Jellyfish felt bad for snapping at Aconi, and she could tell she was hurt. She still talked to her, despite her overdramatic attitude. Her friends were still a little awkward, though.

    "Hey," her girlfriend said, bumping her side. Jellyfish took her eyes off of the churning ocean. It was stormy today, reflecting Jellyfish's emotions a little. A light drizzle was pattering across her nose, and she could feel the sting of the salt on her submerged talons.

    "Hi," Jellyfish said, looking at her. The short RainWing was watching the blue-gray water intently. "I'm sorry for snapping at you earlier."

    "It's alright," Aconi said, briefly pressing her face into Jellyfish's neck. "I know you're stressed."

     Jellyfish looked at her talons, and flexed them into the pebbles.

     "I'm going to need your help," Aconi said slowly, picking up one of Jellyfish's talons. She smoothed it flat in her talons.

    "With?" Jellyfish asked.

     Aconi gave her a strange look. "We're going to Fearless with information." She looked around, to make sure no one was nearby. "I know for sure now about who killed Jackpine."

    "Stratus?" Jellyfish asked. Aconi nodded.

    A hubbub of chatter made Jellyfish and Aconi turn around. Fearless and her council were waltzing into the cave, talking.

    Even though Fearless was the smallest out of all of them, you could feel the radiant authority coming off of her. She had a set jaw, and looked like she hadn't slept much, probably related to Jackpine's murder.

    "Come on," Aconi whispered, pulling Jellyfish from the water.

    Fearless's crowd dispersed at she saw them coming. The NightWing gave them a concerning look.

    "Fearless," Aconi said bravely, Jellyfish thought. "May we talk privately?"

    "Why's that?" She asked. The NightWing was short, but still a head or two taller than Jellyfish.

    "Information regarding Jackpine. It's urgent." Aconi said.

     Fearless glanced at Jellyfish and then back at Aconi. "Very well," she said at length. "Don't waste my time. I'm busy, and you're lucky I care enough about this case."

     The brawny NightWing turned and led the two down a separate tunnel- Fearless's private one. She led them to a room that a chair on the opposite wall of the door, and two couches on the other two walls.

    Fearless placed herself apon the chair and gestured to the couch for them to sit.

    "Well?" She asked.

    Aconi looked at Jellyfish. "I have reason to believe that Stratus, that new SkyWing, is responsible for the murder of Jackpine."

    "How so?" Fearless asked, raising an eyebrow.

     "First, the motive," Aconi began. "It's not official, but Stratus and Jackpine's daughter, Jasmine, developed romantic feelings for eachother. Everyone saw from the beginning that Jackpine didn't trust Stratus, so he would have disapproved their relationship. I don't think Jasmine had anything to do with it, but Stratus thought that her father would be too much in the way, and disposing of him would be ideal."

    "That would make sense," Fearless said. "What about evidence?"

     "You said that your crossbow was stolen some time ago, correct?" Aconi asked.

    Fearless nodded. "But it was before Stratus came here."

    Aconi nodded. "Right, I think the their is still at large, but Stratus somehow got his talons of the weapon. He probably didn't know it was one of a kind, and just a replica of yours. He was trying to frame you."

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