Chapter 4

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    "Remind me to never fall asleep in a library again," Jellyfish groaned, rubbing her neck. It ached, and when she tilted her head one way, cracking noises rippled up her spine.

     "Noted," Bermuda said, squinting at Jellyfish's messy writing. The SeaWing-SandWing had printer-perfect talonwriting, even better than Jellyfish's. "What does that say?" she pointed at a scrawling loop of letters.

     "Moonlight," Jellyfish said. They were at her house, and Jasmine and Stratus were sitting on the couch, reading the scroll that Jellyfish had checked out. 

    "I suddenly have a lot more respect for Jeweldreamer. Mind reading sounds awful." Jasmine grimaced, as if though she had to hear all the wonderful things most dragons thought about her.

    "Oh, without me?" Aconi said grandly, sweeping in the open doorway. Jellyfish didn't miss the irritated glance that was exchanged between Bermuda and Jasmine but chose to ignore it. For now.

   "We didn't think that you'd be allowed to come over." Jellyfish explained. Really what had happened was that the other three argued with Jellyfish to just hang out with them, and eventually, she gave up.

    "She's too busy reading up on... oh, hey," Aconi said, her gaze traveling to Stratus.

    "Hi," he said plainly.

    Aconi stayed quiet for a moment, pursing her lips. "Jellyfish, can I chat with you for a moment?"

    Suppressing a sigh, she got up and followed the RainWing out the door. The door snicked shut quietly behind them.

     "Why is he in your home?" Aconi said. "Did the others make you let him in?"

     That was half true. Jellyfish wasn't particularly fond of the SkyWing, even though she was trying to listen to him. She couldn't help it.

     But... if her friends saw that she was really uncomfortable, they'd listen to her.


    "No, no," Jellyfish said. "It's okay,"

    Aconi frowned. "Are you sure? You can tell me anything, darling,"

   Blood gathered in Jellyfish's ears and her face felt very hot. "Well," she started, and immediately lost her train of thought as the RainWing took her talons in hers. 

    "Well?" Aconi said softly.

    "I... didn't really want him here," Jellyfish said. Aconi's ice blue eyes locked with hers, like frozen oceans that were being bathed in sun.

    "Why don't we talk about it then?" Aconi rested a wing over Jellyfish's shoulders, which was a little awkward since Jellyfish was taller than her. Gently, she guided her down the tunnel.

     "I'm trying to like him," Jellyfish admitted. "Trying to look past his story-"

     "You mean his lies?"

     "Yes... his lies. I'm trying to look past his lies and see him as a good dragon, but it feels weird trying to force myself to." Jellyfish said.

    "Then it's probably not meant to be," Aconi said in a silky smooth voice. "Don't stress about it. I don't know what you went through with the Last Day, but you don't need any more worries. Let me handle it."

     "Okay," Jellyfish leaned into her briefly and looked up at the tunnel. She hadn't been down this one before, and the torches were far and in between. "Where are we?"

    "Don't worry, it'll take your mind off things," Aconi explained. "My mother is running errands, and shouldn't be home for a bit."

    "Are we going to your house?" Jellyfish asked.

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